Wednesday 11 October 2017

Warlord Games - Newsletter

Some special offers from Warlord Games...

Special Offers At Our Retail Store This Birthday Weekend!

Box Deal
ToH Box Deal
Blister Deal

Tickets available at the Door

10th Birthday
Our 10th Birthday Bash is this weekend! For seminars, deals and participation games this is the place! Plus you can join John Stallard, Rick Priestley, Paul Sawyer, Andy Chambers, Alessio Cavatore and more as they chat and share what's in the pipeline.
(left to right) The Last Stand, Into the Valley of death, Dick Winters, Kurt Knispel, & Hopless Position
Old favourites will reappear (for this weekend only) from years gone by - including (left to right) The Last Stand, Into the Valley of death, Dick Winters, Kurt Knispel, & Hopeless Position. Be quick as they won't be hanging around!
Warlord Games 10th Birthday Big Bash tickets
Order yours today and bring proof of purchase or grab them when you arrive as tickets will be available in store on the day. Doors Open at 10am!
Bolt Action
Char B & Marder III
We sneaked some of the upcoming plastic tank models out of our studio to share pictures with you! The stunning new Char B and Marder III are coming...
Opel unboxing
The AWI Painter has created 3 videos on the Opel Blitz/Mauliter, an unboxing, building and review! We've got all 3 videos to share with you.
Opel Blitz
brood mother
Rocky's War Room shows off the Antares Boromite Brood Mother in a new Let's Build episode! 
brood mother
rock riders
Doctor Who
Doctor Who creature
It’s not every day we hear from an actual Doctor Who monster creator, but this month we were delighted to receive an email from William Grantham, who designed the Abzorbaloff creature.
Black Powder
Black Powder Errata
We have an errata for the A Clash of Eagles book for Black Powder. 
K47 Op Pig Stick
You learned the take Operation PIG-STICK to the tabletop with Konflikt '47. Read all about The Battle for Brussels in this scenario article! 
Test of Honour recently came back in stock sparking a rush of orders followed by many new painted miniatures. Here are some we found on Facebook and like a lot!
Test Of Honour Game Content
Test of Honour Scenery Pack
The Terrain Tutor goes through all the basic terrain techniques whilst putting together for simple scenic scatter for your first terrain project! 
Grand Tournament Ticket
October Events
November Events

Coming Soon for Antares...

Ghar coming soon
If you'd like to contribute an article or promote an event, please get in touch at
All Warlord Games products are available from our online store or by calling +44 (0)115 978 4495. Our products ship worldwide.

Alternatively you can be all retro and actually write to us at:

Warlord Games
T13/T15 Technology Wing - The Howitt Building
Lenton Business Centre - Lenton Boulevard
NottinghamNottinghamshire NG7 2BD
United Kingdom
Copyright © 2017 Warlord Games, All rights reserved.

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