Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Land Raiders.

I have 5 Godhammer pattern Land Raiders that really need updating to useful configurations.
Because I have no motivation to convert or paint anything unless there is a tournament usable list involved I got to thinking about Blood Angels...

As Blood Angels can take Land Raiders as dedicated transports* I'm wondering if a Land Raider Spam army is viable at a competitive level. I tried it once with the Chaos Codex but as we all know the Chaos Codex is shit.

* There's a vague internet debate about whether you can or not based around the page numbers of the relative dedicated transports. But as the background for the chapter and the GW press release both say you can I'm going to presume the rules lawyers are all twats and ignore them completely.

I am considering the following as a core.

Librarian (100)

Assault Squad (100), Remove Jump Packs (-35 to dedicated transport) (100)
Land Raider Crusader (215), Multi-Melta (+10) (225)
Assault Squad (100), Remove Jump Packs (-35 to dedicated transport) (100)
Land Raider Crusader (215), Multi-Melta (+10) (225)
Assault Squad (100), Remove Jump Packs (-35 to dedicated transport) (100)
Land Raider Crusader (215), Multi-Melta (+10) (225)
Assault Squad (100), Remove Jump Packs (-35 to dedicated transport) (100)
Land Raider Redeemer (215), Multi-Melta (+10) (205)

Total - 1380 so far

Which at 1850 leaves me 470 points to spend on support elements.

As I never use Land Raiders (yes I know, why the fuck have I got 6 then?!?!?) I need the advice of people who actually do use them. So is the idea fundamentally flawed or can it be done?


  1. i have played against labnd raider lists twice. one i destroyed as i had lysander, a vindicator and my own land raider with POTMS multimelta against chaos land raiders which didnt cut it. the second time was using my drop pod army. it destroyed me as my reserve rolls forced me to come down early so all my melta was out of range of his land raiders coming on from reserve. the problem was i was out of melta range until the turn the terminators charged whatever i had to deal with them whilst my speeders were brought down by lascannons fire. but even if i had come down in a more fortuitous turn i would have still been owned by the terminators coming out.

    To sum up, land raiders are hard to kill. the stuff inside them is where their power lies. i think a couple of raiders with assault marines to score will be usefull whilst your hitting power will come from assault termies

  2. The Chaos Land Raider army you destroyed was mine, lol.

  3. too add, crusaders are okay but for a raider list you really need a mix of various types.
    in a way your better going for God Hammer pattern to kill transports and speeders at range. a couple of each type would lead to a better list.

    as mike said its the contents that are the lethal part termies should be in crusaders and assault marines inside god hammer

    my current World Eaters (blood angels)features two god hammer with tooled up assault squads, vindicator and a couple of furioso's i seem to be going though a list writing stage where everything features land raiders

  4. I'm not keen on Redeemers tbh.
    Ironically, a well written Jump Pack Blood Angels list will maim a Blood Angel Land Raider Spam list quite easily.
    The more I try to balance the list the less Land Raiders I end up with which somewhat defeats the intended objective, lol.
    However both your points about assault units out of Raiders are good ones. Furious Charging Lightning Claw Termies might be quite funny. Now how to make Sanguinary Priests with Terminator Armour...Or I could use Honour Guard as they have a guy with a Blood Chalice as well.
    Time for a complete rethink, after all 3 Land Raiders is still quite scary right?

  5. oh i agree the mobility and melta/fists of jump units will bugger the tanks up which is one of the reason for the vindi and the furioso, they almost act as deterrents, though even killing the raider still leaves you with a very pissed off squad to deal with.

    my sang priests are mainly possessed parts and its the daemonic energies that infuses the squad. Furios charge termis will slaughter everything. except dreads in which case that was a poor unit to charge

    i would say 2 god hammer to 1 crusader is a good ratio, and redeemers are over rated . and 3 is still a tough thing to deal with especially if you target their decent AT first.

    one of the benefits of my list is the wall of av 13+

  6. Combined with POTMS the 'Standard' Landraiders can fire their twin-linked lascannons at 2 seperate targets so should make a mess of light Mech spam. It's dealing with hordes that I like the Crusaders for.
    AV13 is nice to have. I quite often hide my Razorbacks behind my Predators for a turn If I expect to see an 'Alpha-strike' of some kind.
    I'm not a big fan of the 'eggs in one basket' approach to army list writing which is why I tend to avoid Land Raider, Terminators and Character combo's normally.

    The other thing is that if I'm only using 3 Land Raiders then using the Standard Marine Codex might be preferable as I can take Vulkan, 3 Landraiders and 3 Units of TH/SS Termies with a couple of Scout Squads in Landspeeder Storms as my Troops at the 1750-1850 point mark.

    Decisions, Decisions...again, lol.

  7. of course assault marine squads of 9 with a sang priest aren't too bad either. Hordes can be dealt with with a decent assault and a few shots to soften them up first.

    yeah not a fan of the egg basket approach either, but alas termies and landraiders will always be points heavy. i try to keep threats at similar points or abilities to create redundancy if something gets blown. Consider mixed termie squads and a none vulkan list maybe? though your still 475 points a unit
