Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Defilertank - Basecoat

So I thought I'd put theorising aside for a bit and do something practical.

On my girlfriends advice (A much better painter than me) I dry-brushed the base colour on this rather than paint it normally and it turned out much better than usual so I'll be using this method from now on.

Now I need to make Heavy Bolters for the 'sponsons' and Autocannons for the 'turret' so I can use It as a Predator in my semi-mech/mech Marine lists.


  1. wow! just found this old post by accident. cant believe no-one commented. fantastic creation, i've never seen tau bits look so natural alongside chaos/imperial ones.

  2. I think I only had about 7 followers back then which may have explained the lack of interest, lol.
    I'm glad someone appreciates it, though ;-)
