Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Infantry Imperial Guard

So I'm still a little bit bored of Marines so I'm going to stick with my current theme of doing something completely different.

5th Ed. is all about Mech as you've probably been told by pretty much everyone.

But is that actually true?

Well yes it is, actually.....but I'm going to try a Guard list with no vehicles whatsoever just to annoy all those people who loaded up with anti-tank but forgot the anti-infantry ;-)

I know this isn't necessarily going to be the most competitive of armies but I think with some work I can at least make it fucking annoying to play against...

So what do I need?

Creed is the obvious choice as a HQ. He has an excellent range for his orders (24"), can issue four orders a turn, has an extra 'Furious Charge' + 'Fearless' order and can give a single unit the 'Scout' Universal special rule. He's not cheap, but imo he's worth it for all those bonuses.

Of course as I'm going to need plenty of orders to make my Weapon teams actually useful (BS3 is not your friend) so I'll need another Company Command Squad so I can get the maximum possible amount of 'Bring it Down' orders dished out to twin-link my weapons vs. vehicles and MC's.

So lets see how much that has cost me,

HQ: Company Command Squad (5#, 145 pts)
4 Company Command Squad @ 145 pts (Vox Caster; Lord Castellan Creed)
1 Lord Castellan Creed

HQ: Company Command Squad (5#, 55 pts)
4 Company Command Squad @ 55 pts (Vox Caster)
1 Company Commander

200 points spent. Giving me 6 orders in total, 4 of which have a 24" range and 2 of which have a 12" range. Which means I can give the 'For the Honour of Cadia!' order out twice and still twin-link four units with heavy weapons.

Now in a foot list I'm obviously going to need some infantry...

Infantry Platoons are cheap and can have a wide variety of weapon upgrades to fit most purposes.
As I want to be able to take far objectives or at the very least push into midfield I'll need some troops to do that. I'm going to use a 30 man 'blob' with Power Weapons on the sergeants...

and a Commissar to stop them running away .

They'll also need Meltaguns (for the obvious reasons) and a Vox (to make sure that Creeds unique order goes off), they may also need Meltabombs as Dreadnoughts are going to ruin my day otherwise. I've seen units like this used In 40's or 50's but It seems to be a bit unwieldy that big and any smaller and there aren't enough ablative wounds in the unit.
I'll also have another couple of Infantry squads with a Heavy Weapon Team in each. Most likely weapon candidates are Lascannons to give me some long range anti-tank.

If my Marine lists have taught me anything it's that Autocannons are extremely useful. I've run out of viable places to put them in the Infantry Squads so I'll add a couple of Heavy Weapon Teams. Two should do it for now and we'll see what's left over points-wise at the end.

So that gives us,

Troops: Infantry Platoon (62#, 600 pts)
1 Infantry Platoon @ 600 pts
4 Platoon Command Squad
1 Platoon Commander

Not sure what use these guys will be to be honest as there orders don't help me that much the way the armies going to be set-up. They may require some upgrades to make them useful but I don't think they'll be getting any till the 2000 point level...sorry guys :-(

9 Infantry Squad (Vox Caster; Meltagun x1; Commissar)
1 Commissar (Power Weapon)
1 Sergeant (Melta Bombs; Power Weapon)
9 Infantry Squad (Meltagun x1)
1 Sergeant (Melta Bombs; Power Weapon)
9 Infantry Squad (Meltagun x1)
1 Sergeant (Melta Bombs; Power Weapon)

These guys are my 'moving forward' unit and should be able to deal with most threats through sheer weight of numbers. I'm told that they are complimented well by the addition of a Priest (an upgrade I'll probably end up needing).

7 Infantry Squad (Vox Caster)
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Lascannon)
1 Sergeant
7 Infantry Squad
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Lascannon)
1 Sergeant

These guys sit at the back and shoot at vehicles I want dead.

3 Heavy Weapons Squad (Autocannon x3)
3 Heavy Weapons Squad (Autocannon x3)

These fellows chew up light Transports and 'Torrent' down MC's.

If I do that twice that's another 1200 points gone making 1400 used so far.

I'd probably best add those Priests now before I forget about them...

: Ministorum Priest (1#, 60 pts)
1 Ministorum Priest @ 60 pts (Eviscerator)

: Ministorum Priest (1#, 60 pts)
1 Ministorum Priest @ 60 pts (Eviscerator)

The Priests get Eviscerators as an extra safe-guard against Dreadnoughts and also to up the overall amount of armour ignoring attacks.

So we're up to 1520. I can easily drop a few upgrades and turn this into a 1500 point list should it become necessary. But as my FLGS plays at 1750 for the most part we can add a few more toys.

None of the local IG players use Psyker Battle Squads which seems a bit odd to me. Their 'Weaken Resolve' power alone seems to make them worth the points, combine that with 'Soulstorm' and they become a highly worthy addition.

I was going to take maximum sized units until I remembered something Stelek said about them on his Blog (Yes The Truth Hurts for those of you who don't know) about it not being necessary. His argument (If I remember correctly) was that a S6 Soulstorm still wounded most Infantry in the game on 2's. Using the same logic a similar sized unit using 'Weaken Resolve' would lower a units Leadership by 6 making even the best units only Leadership 4 and pretty much everything else only Leadership 3 (or even 2) till the end of the turn.

Lets have a couple of those then,

Elite: Psyker Battle Squad (7#, 80 pts)
6 Psyker Battle Squad @ 80 pts
1 Overseer

Elite: Psyker Battle Squad (7#, 80 pts)
6 Psyker Battle Squad @ 80 pts
1 Overseer

160 more points used bringing us up to 1680 points used.

So I've got 70 points left.

Time for a brief run-down of what I've got up to now

4 Lascannons,
12 Autocannons,
2 S6 Large Blasts,
6 Meltaguns,
Lots of Lasguns.

150 bodies, 124 of which are scoring.

So I have a fairly decent fire-base, some threatening forward moving units, plenty of guys to hold objectives and a few dirty tricks just in case.

No major holes to fill so those 70 points could be used for pretty much anything.

I can drop a Meltabomb to save 5 points and buy a 5th Autocannon Heavy Weapon Team,
Or a Meltabomb from each of the Blob squads and use the 80 points to buy a 3rd Psyker Battle Squad,
Or I could give the 'blob' squads Krak Grenades which would annoy any vehicle with an armour facing of 12 or less and still leave me with 10 points left over,
Or I could add Guardsmen Rambo. Sorry, I of course mean Marbo.

If anybody has any better ideas then I'm open to suggestions. Quite often when this happens I play a few games under-pointed and usually I get an 'If only I had a *Macguffin*' moment that makes the decision for me.

For now I'll drop a couple of Meltabombs and have the 3rd Psyker Battle Squad.

Which makes the completed list something like this,

1750 Pts - 5th Edition Roster - Foot IG

HQ: Company Command Squad (5#, 145 pts)
4 Company Command Squad @ 145 pts (Vox Caster; Lord Castellan Creed)
1 Lord Castellan Creed

HQ: Company Command Squad (5#, 55 pts)
4 Company Command Squad @ 55 pts (Vox Caster)
1 Company Commander

: Ministorum Priest (1#, 60 pts)
1 Ministorum Priest @ 60 pts (Eviscerator)

: Ministorum Priest (1#, 60 pts)
1 Ministorum Priest @ 60 pts (Eviscerator)

Troops: Infantry Platoon (62#, 595 pts)
1 Infantry Platoon @ 595 pts
4 Platoon Command Squad
1 Platoon Commander
9 Infantry Squad (Vox Caster; Meltagun x1; Commissar)
1 Commissar (Power Weapon)
1 Sergeant (Melta Bombs; Power Weapon)
9 Infantry Squad (Meltagun x1)
1 Sergeant (Melta Bombs; Power Weapon)
9 Infantry Squad (Meltagun x1)
1 Sergeant (Power Weapon)
7 Infantry Squad (Vox Caster)
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Lascannon)
1 Sergeant
7 Infantry Squad
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Lascannon)
1 Sergeant
3 Heavy Weapons Squad (Autocannon x3)
3 Heavy Weapons Squad (Autocannon x3)

Troops: Infantry Platoon (62#, 595 pts)
1 Infantry Platoon @ 595 pts
4 Platoon Command Squad
1 Platoon Commander
9 Infantry Squad (Vox Caster; Meltagun x1; Commissar)
1 Commissar (Power Weapon)
1 Sergeant (Melta Bombs; Power Weapon)
9 Infantry Squad (Meltagun x1)
1 Sergeant (Melta Bombs; Power Weapon)
9 Infantry Squad (Meltagun x1)
1 Sergeant (Power Weapon)
7 Infantry Squad (Vox Caster)
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Lascannon)
1 Sergeant
7 Infantry Squad
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Lascannon)
1 Sergeant
3 Heavy Weapons Squad (Autocannon x3)
3 Heavy Weapons Squad (Autocannon x3)

Elite: Psyker Battle Squad (7#, 80 pts)
6 Psyker Battle Squad @ 80 pts
1 Overseer

Elite: Psyker Battle Squad (7#, 80 pts)
6 Psyker Battle Squad @ 80 pts
1 Overseer

Elite: Psyker Battle Squad (7#, 80 pts)
6 Psyker Battle Squad @ 80 pts
1 Overseer

Total Roster Cost: 1750

Fortunately I already have most of the models I need for this project (some of which are actually assembled) all I need is the time to assemble the rest of them...

Thoughts, comments and offers of money are of course (as usual) welcome.


  1. I think a little extra protection for Creed wouldn't hurt. Camo cloaks are cheap and make his unit really durable.

    Also, a Fleet Officer would be handy for fucking over reserve armies.

    All in all, I like it. Go tell the gospel of foot armies!

  2. i've always been an advocate of this kind of army. i'm on holiday from saturday if you want to test it out

  3. I've played with psyker battle squads and against them. I always took them full strength. Anything I weakened the resolve of was leaving the room. My main guard opponent used them at the smallest size. I remember several times where he's force my ork bikers mob, led by wazzdakka gutsmek, to take a morale check on Ld5. With the bosspole, I passed it an annoyingly high amount of times. He now takes the larger squad too - and the last game we played that squad neatralised a 500 point squad for the entire game, by constantly making them retreat. So in my book, it's always worth forcing the enemy to need insane heroism. If you have the points available for extra psykers, do so. Hell, a str 9 shot also gives you the potential to take pot shots at tanks too! :oP

    Marbo is always fun. For 65 points you get a demo charge wherever you want - he very rarely fails to make his points back. Also because he makes such a big entrance, your opponent typically fires everything he has at him next turn, giving the rest of your army a breather. Deploy in cover, and go to ground for a 2+ save. I've had opponents keep firing at him out of sheer frustration, even though he's already effectively neutralised.

    Other than that, a good list, nice to see some variety out there.

  4. looks, good, just be prepared for the numbers you'll be removing, it can be shocking at first until you realise you really aren't even half strength

    and you do pretty much completely neutralise anti tank guns, was the entire idea behind my ork boyz and they work nicely

  5. Sir they have brought vendetta's to the battle, but they know this is a knife fight right hmmmmmmm oh they have heavy bolters now it all makes sense.

    I like the idea and if you wanna test it against your friendly local (competive?) guards player let me know and i can come down with a couple of hell hounds

  6. @ Ska_punk_boy - Fortunately I have just enough firepower to cripple 6 vehicles a turn.

    Guess what enemy vehicles will be dying first ;-)

    Joking aside, Most lists have trouble against an optimised Guard list, I expect mine to be no exception. But saying that I was told Tyranids weren't that competitive either and I did okay with them.

  7. Yeah I know whats dying first and it will be the hydra's or hellhound if we play at 1750. But like I said it all needs to be tested. Also howmany more points is straken in place of Creed? because i think its only about 5 meaning that you launch a command squad forward while the other sits at the back splitting focus and its automatic FC and CA and then if say you wanted to get rid of that pesky looking vehicle straken is strength 7 on the charge with 2d6 armour pen avarage says that a land raider gets its paint a bit damanged and anything short of it suffers badly with his 5 attacks and you always have the plasma pistol to shoot first

  8. @ Ska_punk_boy - Straken is 5 points more expensive which is negligible really.

    Downside is that as I'm building a 'foot' list Straken's squads is 7 wounds with (at best) a 4+ cover save or 9 wounds with 2 extra bodyguards and is going to die fairly soon once people realise he's the only thing making the 'blob' squads any good.

    Also it reduces the amount of orders I have to improve my shooting as Straken is going to be out of range of my weapon teams fairly quickly. That would only leave 2 orders (from the other CCS) to twin-link my weapon teams.

    Also if I'm going after 2 objectives It's quite likely that only one of the 'blob' squads is going to get the benefit of his abilities and without Furious Charge those 30 man units lose a lot of their effectiveness.

  9. Just a quick question but creed has no better protection than the 4+ cover either

    on a personal front i would drop a squad from each to make 20 mans and have straken AND creed as lets face it fluff is no issue here. that or some toys and a auto cannon squad

  10. @ Ska_punk_boy - Creed will be hiding in the back so only long range weaponry will be an issue. Straken will be running around in the open with a big 'kill me and the blob squads become useless' sign around his neck.

  11. Yeah but if they focus on killing his squad then Creed is free to make everything work better and also straken has a 3+ save so if you streched to a medic even better, im just saying 1 squad of auto cannons and a toy or 2
