Sunday, 8 August 2010

Tyranid Project - Part 16 - Tweaking Time

Strangely enough (for a first attempt) my Tyranid army seems to need very little in the way of tweaking. After 11 games with only a single loss (which was the first game I played) it seems to contain all the tools I need to compete against most common builds.

The only thing that was utterly useless was the 'Strangleweb' on the Termagant units, which will now be dropped for another 2 Termagants in each unit.

Editors Note - A 3rd consecutive day of my FLGS being shut has yet again prevented me from finishing my Swarmlord , a problem that will be somewhat compounded by the fact that it's closed of a Monday and a Tuesday anyway. Looks like he'll just have to stay armless for the time being.

The Tweaked army...

There may well be enough in the budget this month for another Carnifex so my 2000 point army should look something like this.

2000 Pts - Tyranids Roster - Tyranid Test list - 2000

HQ: The Swarmlord (1#, 280 pts)
1 The Swarmlord @ 280 pts

: Tyrant Guard Brood (2#, 130 pts)
2 Tyrant Guard Brood @ 130 pts (Lash Whip)

Elite: Hive Guard Brood (2#, 100 pts)
2 Hive Guard Brood @ 100 pts

Elite: Hive Guard Brood (2#, 100 pts)
2 Hive Guard Brood @ 100 pts

Elite: Hive Guard Brood (2#, 100 pts)
2 Hive Guard Brood @ 100 pts

Troops: Tervigon (1#, 195 pts)
1 Tervigon @ 195 pts (Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst)

Troops: Tervigon (1#, 195 pts)
1 Tervigon @ 195 pts (Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst)

Troops: Tervigon (1#, 195 pts)
1 Tervigon @ 195 pts (Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst)

Troops: Termagant Brood (10#, 50 pts)
10 Termagant Brood @ 50 pts

Troops: Termagant Brood (10#, 50 pts)
10 Termagant Brood @ 50 pts

Troops: Termagant Brood (10#, 50 pts)
10 Termagant Brood @ 50 pts

Heavy Support: Tyrannofex (1#, 265 pts)
1 Tyrannofex @ 265 pts (Rupture Cannon; Cluster Spines; Thorax Swarm (larvae))

Heavy Support: Tyrannofex (1#, 265 pts)
1 Tyrannofex @ 265 pts (Rupture Cannon; Cluster Spines; Thorax Swarm (larvae))

Total Roster Cost: 1975

The last 25 points will either go on extra Termagants, Scything Talons for the Tervigons or some combination of the 2.

I suppose I might as well start painting it now...


  1. Looks good to me. I'd like Stealers or Ravs over the 3rd Tervy, but that's just my preference.

  2. @ Chumbalaya - The list as a whole seems to work nicely at the 1750 point level in it's current form. I picked The 3rd Tervigon/Termagant unit as it's seems to fit in with the way I use the army better than say a 3rd Tyrannofex would.

    Stealers are a bit too delicate in their current incarnation for me and I've never really rated Raveners.
