Friday, 10 September 2010

Razorblast - 1500 Point List.

Just an idea...

1500 Pts - Space Wolves Roster - Razorblast - 1500

HQ: Rune Priest in Power Armour (1#, 110 pts)
1 Rune Priest in Power Armour @ 110 pts (Chooser of the Slain; Storm Caller; Tempest's Wrath)

HQ: Rune Priest in Power Armour (1#, 115 pts)
1 Rune Priest in Power Armour @ 115 pts (Chooser of the Slain; Wolf Tail Talisman; Storm Caller; Tempest's Wrath)

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (6#, 150 pts)
5 Grey Hunters Pack @ 150 pts (Flamer; Razorback)
1 Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (6#, 150 pts)
5 Grey Hunters Pack @ 150 pts (Flamer; Razorback)
1 Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (6#, 150 pts)
5 Grey Hunters Pack @ 150 pts (Flamer; Razorback)
1 Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (6#, 150 pts)
5 Grey Hunters Pack @ 150 pts (Flamer; Razorback)
1 Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (6#, 150 pts)
5 Grey Hunters Pack @ 150 pts (Flamer; Razorback)
1 Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (6#, 150 pts)
5 Grey Hunters Pack @ 150 pts (Flamer; Razorback)
1 Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)

Heavy Support: Vindicator (1#, 125 pts)
1 Vindicator @ 125 pts (Siege Shield)

Heavy Support: Vindicator (1#, 125 pts)
1 Vindicator @ 125 pts (Siege Shield)

Heavy Support: Vindicator (1#, 125 pts)
1 Vindicator @ 125 pts (Siege Shield)

Total Roster Cost: 1500

Chooser of the Slain x2 keeps away infiltrators, 'Tempest Wrath' annoys Deep Striking armies, Storm Caller gives you a 5+ save for your vehicles.

The Siege Shields are there so you can bulldoze through terrain to contest objectives should you lose your weapon. You can swap them for 3 Hunterkillers if they don't use a lot of terrain where you play or if you just want a bit more 'Alpha Strike'.

Just something I was thinking about with the 1500 point UKGT's coming up soon.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. That's a lot of Razors. I like suicide combi-melta WG to mix things up.

  2. Wicked. Give it a go.

  3. You could replace a couple of the Razorback units with the following unit if you like,

    Elite: Wolf Guard Pack (4#, 144 pts)
    1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 144 pts (Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Razorback)
    1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Bolt Pistol; Combi-Meltagun x1)
    1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Bolt Pistol; Combi-Meltagun x1)
    1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Bolt Pistol; Combi-Meltagun x1)
    1 Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)

    Not sure that they're entirely necessary in this list as the Vindicators should be able to kill Land Raiders and the like just fine.

  4. Just ran the maths for S10 Ordanance vs. Armour 14

    If you hit a Land Raider with a Vindicator shot you have a 55.55 percent chance of a penetrating hit with a further 19.44 percent of a glancing hit.

    Thats a nearly 75 percent chance of doing some kind of damage to the fucker.

    Not bad really...Of course you have to hit it first...
