Thursday, 18 November 2010

40K FAQ Ver. 1.1

GW have updated the Main 40k rulebook FAQ here

Most are of the usual 'who the fuck couldn't work that out for themselves' variety, but there are a few decent ones.

The two that interested me were the clarification about cover saves for intertwined units and the fact that a unit that only has some models with the 'Stealth' rule give that benefit to the rest of the unit.

I'm sure there are other gems I've missed though...


  1. yeah, that certainly clears up "does telion have to pay for a camo-cloak" question.

    i'm not so happy that now anyone moving with Ghazkull doesnt have to fight at initiative one anymore.

    i did like the answer to "can drop pods fire weapons when they come down?" which was essentially "you have this rule and that rule to go on, work it out!"

  2. They need to errata the FAQ.

    Just being picky but their example is wrong;

    "Q: Does an Independent Character count towards the number of models in a squad when determining if it is above half strength? (p48)
    A: Yes he does. So if an Independent Character joined a unit of 6 models there would need to be reduced to 2 or less models for it to be below half strength."

    If 1 guy joined 6 guys there would be 7 guys, so the squad would need to be reduced to 3 or less to be below half strength. They have said the IC counts and then given the below half strength number as if he never existed. GW need to learn to proof read their crap.

    Rant over :)

  3. @A.D, i think the example is badly worded and means that a 6 man unit, reduced to 2 models, would be able to regroup once an IC joins them taking them back to 50% of their starting strength. though you are right, if the example is causing confusion then it wasnt written well.

    BTW, is telion going back in your raven guard now that he saves you points on camo-cloaks?

  4. @ Mike - Telion is to all intents and purposes now a 23 point upgrade on a full scout unit as he saves you 27 points in Camo Cloaks, lol.

  5. @ Citizenwilliams - He's certainly become a no-brainer upgrade for any army that uses a big Scout Squad.
