Monday, 22 November 2010

Battlefleet Gothic.

The recent sort out of my hobby room seems to have indicated that at some point I intended to play Battlefleet Gothic.

I even painted one...Badly

Now I've decided that I want to build my Renegade Marine Chapters entire Fleet.

I seem to have a fairly good start and also a lot of misc. stuff I'm not sure will be of any use*

* I bought a bag of items for about a fiver at a model exhibition many years ago and some of it was amongst the bits I acquired.

Some Escorts which will come in handy and a few random transports that will be okay for 'fluff' purposes but not much use in actual games.

A pile of Strike Cruiser parts which turns out to be enough to make 4 complete ships.

A big chunk of it assembled (but unmounted on bases) looks like this.

All in all for my Marine Fleet I have 3 Battle Barges, 4 Strike Cruisers and a hand-full of escorts.

I also have a Light Imperial Cruiser, several 'Infidel' class Chaos raiders, a Despoiler (I think) class Battleship and a Planet Killer.

The 'pure' Marine list in the Armada book has a maximum of 3 Battle Barges, 10 Strike Cruisers and as many Escorts/Rapid Strike Vehicles as you feel like. However taking a 'pure' Marine force from the mixed list from the other section would let you take 4 Battle Barges and 12 Strike Cruisers plus escorts.

Do any of you Fluff Nazi's out there have any idea how big a complete Space Marine Chapter fleet would be?

Thoughts, Comments and links to background resources would be (as usual) most welcome.


  1. I have a 2k eldar fleet (painted?!?!?!) and all the stuff needed to play gothic :oP, let me know if you fancy it :o)


  2. @ Sorrowshard - In the New Year I should have some more spare time so we can have a game of BFG as well as that 40K game we keep talking about.

  3. The blood angels codex lists their fleet as:
    7 strike cruisers,
    2 battle barges,
    16 rapid strike vessels,
    36 thunderhawk gunships
    and 3 thunderhawk transporters (though since all 43 land raiders can be deployed using deep strike due to being carried and dropped by those same 3 transporters i think that may be a typo)

    and i think one of the vraks books lists the dark angels fleet as well.

  4. @ Mike - Thanks, I've got rough estimates for about 3 or 4 different fleets now.

    It looks like the quantities vary between,

    0-1 Fortress Monastery (Equivalent to a Ramilies class star fort).
    2-5 Battle Barges.
    7-12 Strike Cruisers (though they're not always actual Strike Cruisers if you see what I mean, sometimes they're equivalent vessels).
    15-30 Rapid Strike vessels (roughly 2-3 per larger ship in the fleet as an average). Gladius class being the most common and Nova class being the rarest except in Dark Angel fleets where the Hunter Class is most common.

    Black Templars and Space Wolves both dwarf those quantities considerably however and seem to use whatever ships they damn well please, lol.

    As my Renegades were originally over strength when formed (and are massively over strength now ;-) )I'm going to aim for the upper end of those estimates.

  5. Yay Gothic! i have a decent fleet of Nurgle Craft, i know mike has the rest of the considerably large fleet we bought

  6. And I can add some imperial flavor
