Friday, 24 December 2010

Bloodletter (ish)

So I've got the theory part of designing the list for the updating of my daemon army done but I've been having some problems with the implementation...

You see I had a theme for my army that didn't really involve Daemons as such. It was themed around a 'Beastmistress' character and various pets, monsters and failed recruits of my renegade Marines that she led (or unleashed, I suppose).

The bestial horde...

Now I'm updating the army and have decided to add some new units, I'm obviously going to have to keep with the existing theme.

As an example, these were my 'Plaguebearers',

Power Armoured enough to fit the background concept but mouldy enough so they could be considered 'Nurgly'*. I'm now trying various ways of making my Bloodletters humanoid yet obviously Bloodlettery'** enough to prevent too many confusion issues for my opponents.

* If that isn't a word then it fucking should be.
** Which also should be an actual word...

This is my first 'prototype'.

Editors Note: Yes, I know I should build a proper Light-box for taking pictures. I'll get around to it eventually.

I tried a human looking head at first but it didn't look quite right so I tried using the actual Bloodletter head with a few of the spikes trimmed off. The Chaos Space Marine legs fit the Chaos Marauder torso with very little trimming but the arms needed a bit of filing.

2nd opinions are welcome. Bear in mind the theme however before suggesting that I just use actual Bloodletters...

1 comment:

  1. Paint it and see how it comes up.

    Concept however, is good
