Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Blood Angels Newsletter from GW

So I have returned home to find this e-mail in my 'inbox'. 

Many people are now retracting the negative comments they made about the Stormravens appearance

I however still think it's fucking ugly and I look forward to ruining the day of everybody who uses them by shooting them out of the sky with Krak missiles on turn 1 while laughing evilly.

If however GW are (as rumoured) going to alter the rules so every Marine army can take them I hope they let Chaos Space Marine armies take them as well as that's about the only time I'd consider buying one.

It's still fugly though.....

Editors Note: There's a rotatable picture of it on the GW website right here if anybody want's to see the back as well (It's as shitty as the front imho).

New Blood Angels models available to Advance Order today
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  1. The placement of all the weapons is the stupidest part it looks like the Hurricane bolters cant even shoot at anything useful. Dear God why is the Stupid Multimelts stuck only shooting forward? where will all the awesome movement blocking potential go... that's right, out the window with the design crew

  2. Sorry but i don't think chaos will get thrown a bone until the get redone in the far far future.... where there is only war :)

    Also i agree on the ugliness and the stupidity. It's a ridiculous shaped rock with wings taped on lol.

  3. is it just me or does it look like part of its missing?? like a whole back section.

    i also think the librarian dread is the ugliest dred i've ever seen!!

  4. @ Everyone - I don't know what GW were thinking but anybody who wants to use a Stormraven is stuck with it unless they want to scratch-build from other kits.

    @ Citizen Williams - I think it's the paint-job on the Dreadnought that's the problem. The red and blue don't seem to compliment each other very well.

  5. i said i'd give the storm,raven a fair go and wait for more pics...unfortunately it does look like it drove into a wall and consitenered up comic book style. its not long enough

  6. i'm hoping its a result of too much red in the colour scheme. the hurricane bolters also look naff.

    i think its the gold face of the lib dread with the blue

  7. I think the model is ugly as hell.

    But I'm still aiming at taking two for a Grey Knights army in april, especially if the rumour about transport's having a power to raise their AV on a facing by 2 for a turn is true! AV 14, no melta, yus please!
