Friday, 18 February 2011

Slighty Strange Tournament.....

So I'm in a 'Tournament' on Saturday or is it a 'Hobby Event', I'm not sure what's classed as what any-more.....

Regardless of that, here are the rules.

600 points maximum for your 'Army'.
1 HQ, 1+ Troops and the rest of the FOC is the same,
40 minutes time limit per round,
All rounds will be decided on VP's alone.

Here's the interesting bit though......due to the small size of the FLGS we'll be playing on 2" by 4" tables.....

It seemed an amusing concept so I signed up, lol.

I'm not really sure what to take but I've come up with a few amusing candidates.

Option 1 - Space Wolves Missile Spam

HQ: Rune Priest in Power Armour (1#, 100 pts)

   1 Rune Priest in Power Armour @ 100 pts (Jaws of the World Wolf; Living Lightning)

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (5#, 80 pts)
   5 Grey Hunters Pack @ 80 pts (Meltagun)

Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 140 pts)
   5 Long Fangs Pack @ 140 pts (Missile Launcher x5)
      1 Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)

Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 140 pts)
   5 Long Fangs Pack @ 140 pts (Missile Launcher x5)
      1 Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)

Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 140 pts)
   5 Long Fangs Pack @ 140 pts (Missile Launcher x5)
      1 Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)

Total Roster Cost: 600

This gives me a lot of anti-infantry (Frag) and anti-vehicle (Krak) but leaves me a bit vulnerable if somebody brings along Land Raiders or a lot of 2+ Saves. I can go 3 Missile Launchers and a Lascannon in the Long Fang Squads instead which, may be a bit more balanced and leaves a few points for upgrades on the Rune Priest.

Option 2 - Space Marine Assault Terminators.

HQ: Space Marine Librarian (1#, 100 pts)
   1 Space Marine Librarian @ 100 pts ( Power Armour; Null Zone; The Gate of Infinity)
      1 Power Armour

Troops: Scout Squad (5#, 100 pts)
   4 Scout Squad @ 100 pts (Camo Cloaks; Sniper Rifle x3; Missile Launcher)
      1 Sergeant (Camo Cloaks; Bolt Pistol; Sniper Rifle)

Elite: Terminator Assault Squad (10#, 400 pts)
   9 Terminator Assault Squad @ 400 pts (Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield x9)
      1 Sergeant (Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield x1)

Total Roster Cost: 600

It's a big rock that I throw into my opponents face. Not sure it requires much more explanation than that.....

Option 3 - Imperial Guard Weapon Teams List.

HQ: Company Command Squad (5#, 90 pts)
   4 Company Command Squad @ 90 pts (Meltagun x4)
      1 Company Commander

Troops: Infantry Platoon (37#, 510 pts)
   1 Infantry Platoon @ 510 pts
      4 Platoon Command Squad (Meltagun x4)
         1 Platoon Commander
      7 Infantry Squad
         1 Heavy Weapons Team (Lascannon)
         1 Sergeant
      7 Infantry Squad
         1 Heavy Weapons Team (Lascannon)
         1 Sergeant
      3 Heavy Weapons Squad (Autocannon x3)
      3 Heavy Weapons Squad (Autocannon x3)
      3 Heavy Weapons Squad (Autocannon x3)
      3 Heavy Weapons Squad (Autocannon x3)

Total Roster Cost: 600

It shoots at vehicles with the Autocannons and Lascannons and the Melta units suicide into anything that they can't handle. It's possible to drop the Lascannons from the Infantry Squads and add a 5th Heavy Weapon Squad with Lascannons at the cost of sacrificing the Meltaguns.

Well those are the first 3 that sprang to mind but I'm sure I'll have some better ideas once I've thought about it a bit more.....


  1. My vote is for the SW out of the three so far it appears to be the most flexible. However given that there are no restrictions on vehicles why no Mech of any type in your lists?

  2. @ Drkmorals - I use mech a lot normally so this time I thought I'd go for something a bit different.
    I may change my mind by Saturday though and end up sticking 3 Predators down instead, lol.

  3. Mech is expensive, that's why, unless you get stupid mech.

    Big Mek, KFF
    10 Grots
    7 rokkit buggies
    2 Battlewagons, Deffrolla, Big shoota


  4. Sounds odd, all those lists are alright, i'd jus take something you might have fun with as you'll probably own face lol.

    Heres a few i worked up in a few mins (look at me actually contribute for once lol)

    Master Of The Forge 100
    Dreadnought 105
    Dreadnought 105
    Dreadnought 105
    5 Scouts, Cloaks, Missile Launcher 100
    Predator, Heavy Bolters 85 =600

    Master Of The Forge 100
    Ironclad, 2xHunter Killers, Heavy Flamer 165
    Ironclad, 2xHunter Killers, Heavy Flamer 165
    5 Scouts, Cloaks, Missile Launcher 100
    Landspeeder, Heavy Flamer, MultiMelta 70 =600

    Shrike Hammer;
    Shrike 195
    5 Scouts, Telion 125
    7 TH SS Terminators 280 =600


  5. I was thinking of taking Shrike and Terminators myself as it will be quite funny.
    Though, I've been told that in the interests of fairness I'm not allowed to use 'Gate of Infinity' to 'Deep Strike' to a Teleport Homer even though there's nothing in the rules that says I can't, lol.
    I may take 4 Rune Priests with Jaws of the World Wolf each as I've been told that its at least one HQ but I can take as many as I'm allowed if I like (which according to the Space Wolf codex is 4;-) ).

  6. To be honest, I'd stay away from any shooting-heavy armies on such a small table. Assault seems to be a much stronger choice. The terminators or some assault marines maybe? ;)

    Though, if you aren't going for a super competitive army, it's totally up to you hahaha
