Monday, 2 May 2011

UK Games Expo 2011

My friend Leon is organising a 1500 point 40K tournament at the UK Games Expo 2011 similar to the one that he did last year. I wrote a very brief overview of it which can be found here.

Tickets to the UK Games Expo itself are available from here and only cost £8.00 if your just going on the Sunday.

Tickets for the tournament itself are available from here and also cost £8.00

£16.00 in total isn't bad going for a day of gaming and last year the prize support wasn't bad either. If he can get enough support this year then he'll endeavour to make it into a two day event in the future and as decent tournaments in the Birmingham area are few and far between I think we should all give him as much support as possible.

Last time I checked half of the 32 available places had been taken so hurry up and buy a ticket ;-)

Hopefully I'll see a few of you there as I've been 'roped in' as a judge.....

If you have any queries or questions then drop them in the comments section and hopefully Leon will chip with any necessary answers.


  1. Looks alright aside from the bull in there about having to use the codex intended for your army

  2. @ A.D. - I think it's there to stop people turning up with their Ultramarine army and announcing that they're Grey Knights for the day, lol.

  3. Hay thanks GMort. Just to clarify the rule on codex's, you are right about the overall intent i dont want people with Ultramaines as Grey Knights or using what they think is the best codex over the one the army they built was intended for. There are a lot of people in both camps who have strong opinions on the subject and as its a tourney where people cant choose who they play i dont want to force people to play armies or people they believe are only there for the competition of the game this is not a super competitive event but a rounded one that rewards all aspects of the hobby, hence soft scoring and a high prize for best painted to encourage those who do so.
    Proxy armies are great for like minded players in pickup games but as ive seen it before where players abuse this id rather stem it before it starts and ensure no bitterness for the softer gamers towards the more competitive ones in this style event.

    If people have any more questions or commments then im happy to answer/discuss them.

  4. got my ticket too, time to pop that tourney cherry. Codex chaos marines will suit me well
