Thursday, 16 June 2011


I was recently reintroduced to the world of Role-playing games courtesy of a group of friends of mine who had started playing 'Deathwatch'. A few of them had already had a game as a team and me and another friend of ours were added in as a Techmarine and Apothecary respectively for the last session.

It was a lot of fun, even though my grasp of the rules system was non-existent and my RPG muscles were a bit rusty having not been involved in one since I stopped playing 'Vampire the Masquerade' some ten years or so ago.

The rules system is very well designed (as far as I can tell) but like most similar systems it's the GM who controls whether the experience is a good or bad one. Fortunately we seem to have got lucky there as Adam did an excellent job in that role. Though my rustiness with the RPG scene showed in a number of areas, not least of which was failing to open a door and then rather than having another attempt I smashed a hole in the wall with my Servo Arm instead.....
Another thing I need to do is quite specifically say that I'm having a conversation over the squad Vox link as our GM takes any statement as being 'out loud' unless you specify otherwise. Therefore I may have revealed to the Imperial Governors guards that he was dead a little before we actually wanted them to know. Fortunately a Demo-Charge I'd placed earlier did a good job of covering up that little mistake ;-)


Inspired by the whole experience I've made a start on a model of my character*,

* Still a fair bit of work to do on him yet though ;-(

Please welcome Techmarine Mortis of the Night Reapers 2nd Company currently seconded to Deathwatch Kill-Team Epsilon,

He got a bit trigger happy with his experience points but the system is designed so you can't really save them up if you want to go up in rank as well....

WS 48, BS 51, S 44, T 52, A 40, Int 59, Per 39, WP 44, Fel 43

Space Marines get a load of upgrades as standard which I haven't bothered to list. The ones 'unique' to me however are,

Skills - Tech Use, Speak Language (Tech Lingua).
Talents and Traits - Electro-Graft-Use, Mechandrite Use (Servo Arm), Mechanicus Implants, The Flesh is Weak (1).
Bionics - Bionic Hand, Mind Impulse Unit.

As soon as I can work out a way of converting PDF files to a format up-loadable by blogger, I may post his character sheets in order to chronicle his path to glory. Don't worry I'm not going to be changing the current blog emphasis and waffling on about RPG's all the time, however you may hear from Brother Mortis again if he does anything awesome this Saturday ;-)

Thoughts and Comments are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. @ Custom - Corax will be up tomorrow some time.

  2. No, go on, waffle about RPGs some more - I'll feel less lonely.

    What sort of stuff does it take to threaten a Deathwatch character? I ask because... well, they're SPESS MAHREENS, the Emperor's official Best At Everything, and previous attempts to treat them in this kind of game were perhaps less than successful.

  3. @ Kaptainvon - Overwhelming numbers of opponents can be a problem as you can only kill so many before they're swarming all over you.
    'Tougher' Marines are also an issue as it took six of us to defeat three Chaos Space Marines and one of our guys was very nearly dead by the end of it and several others had substantial holes in them...

  4. @ Kaptainvon - Our GM is doing a sort of 'narrative' of our progress if your interested

    There's not much there yet as we've only just started but it might be of interest to the one RPG fan who follows my blog (You, lol).

  5. I'd like to think i'm doing a decent job at GMing so thanks GMort :)

    Also the speaking outloud thing was mostly for toby/brother ansum as he was wearing no helmet and shouting about stuff. At the time where you spoke and didnt specify i ran with it the outloud way because i thought it was more fun :D
    normally it would probably be fine. Maybe we just say everyone is normaly only talking over the vox and you must specify for it to be external?

    Both logs of the first mission are up along with basic character info. May do an overview aswell.

  6. can't help but comment that his left arm should be silver... i'll but it down to wip

  7. @ Mark - Doesn't have to be. Some Deathwatch Marines don't change their armour colour at all.
