Friday, 3 June 2011

Space Marines for UK Games Expo 2011

I'm helping out with the grunt work as well as providing my services as a referee at my friend Leons 'Hobby Event' this Sunday.

Due to the distinct possibility of an uneven number of people attending I also may have to play in the first round to even up the numbers. There's quite a lot of 'Comp' style regulations* in the tournament that prevent me using much of my 'Counts-As' units so my 'Night Reapers' will need to be 'vanilla' marines for the day. I also am uncomfortable with taking a 'rock' list as a bad match-up may result in me annihilating some poor bastard and ruining his day which is something I'd rather avoid on this occasion ;-)

* This isn't a problem as the event has been clearly advertised as such. This sort of thing only really bothers me if it's 'tacked on' as an afterthought ;-)

I have therefore picked a reasonably balanced and simple to use list which the tournament organiser was reasonably satisfied fitted all the requirements. There are no tricks, everything is as WYSIWYG as can be and it's simple to understand so anyone I play should be fairly happy. I'm obviously still going to play to win though as any other attitude would be patronising in the extreme, lol.

This is what I'll be using,

1500 Pts - Space Marines Roster - Expo 2011

This picture is appropriate as the list has four Missile Launchers in it and she has a Missile Launcher with four the girl's kinda cute...

HQ: Space Marine Librarian (1#, 100 pts)
   1 Space Marine Librarian @ 100 pts ( Power Armour; Null Zone; The Avenger)
      1 Power Armour

Elite: Dreadnought (1#, 125 pts)
   1 Dreadnought @ 125 pts (Twin Linked Autocannon; Twin Linked Autocannon)

Elite: Dreadnought (1#, 125 pts)
   1 Dreadnought @ 125 pts (Twin Linked Autocannon; Twin Linked Autocannon)

Troops: Tactical Squad (11#, 220 pts)
   9 Tactical Squad @ 220 pts (Meltagun; Missile Launcher; Rhino)
      1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Combi-Meltagun x1)
      1 Rhino (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter)

Troops: Tactical Squad (11#, 220 pts)
   9 Tactical Squad @ 220 pts (Meltagun; Missile Launcher; Rhino)
      1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Combi-Meltagun x1)
      1 Rhino (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter)

Troops: Tactical Squad (11#, 220 pts)
   9 Tactical Squad @ 220 pts (Meltagun; Missile Launcher; Rhino)
      1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Combi-Meltagun x1)
      1 Rhino (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter)

Troops: Tactical Squad (11#, 220 pts)
   9 Tactical Squad @ 220 pts (Meltagun; Missile Launcher; Rhino)
      1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Combi-Meltagun x1)
      1 Rhino (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter)

Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 85 pts)
   1 Predator @ 85 pts (Heavy Bolter (each side))

Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 85 pts)
   1 Predator @ 85 pts (Heavy Bolter (each side))

Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 85 pts)
   1 Predator @ 85 pts (Heavy Bolter (each side))

Total Roster Cost: 1485

Reasonable anti-infantry fire-power, sufficient light anti-tank and up to 4 'suicide' melta combat squads should the need arise.

All in all a nicely balanced list (imo anyway).

Thoughts and Comments are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. Id lose one of the four tacs and blow 200 points elsewhere. Anywhere else. Stern terms or speeders are first to mind.

  2. I agree; you can get a third Dread and a Speeder for the cost of the tactical squad.

    You said "There's quite a lot of 'Comp' style regulations", other than a pure WYSIWYG I do not see any on the list? I can still play Vulkan the Ultramarine I just loose a few points. The only silly stuff is the Forgeworld armies. If they got rid of that I would probably come next year.

  3. @ Jalil - I'd rather have 4 vehicles moving forward than 3 as personal experience has shown me that it's a much better number for some reason ;-)

    @ Lyracian - The 'Comp' issue is that I can't use my army as Space Wolves because they're not painted as such and my 'Chaos' units aren't painted in appropriate Legion colours leaving me with little choice to use them as normal Space Marines. Not that there's anything wrong with normal Space Marines that is...I'd have just rather have used a 1500 point version of my Space wolves list.

  4. The disadvantage of not having animal skins!

    Could you not take them as Blood Angels? You have no special chapter markings on them?

  5. @ Lyracian - The Marine list will do fine for what it is.

    If I was playing as an actual competitor then I'd find a way around the issue and take some-thing a bit nastier, but as I'm not it shouldn't really matter that much.

  6. No it does not really matter. I was just wondering why you chose Ultramarines?

  7. Seems ok. Contrary to the thought of many people, suicide melta units aren't a must at 1500 pts. Yes, really.

    And, once again, I don't see how SW or BA would be more "nasty". But then, I type and nobody reads it. =/

  8. @ Gx1080 - I read what you type if that's any consolation, lol.

  9. I read it...

    Actually at 1500 I think triple dread/pred Ultramarines is quite a good list. I would just not take four troops. :o)
