Saturday, 9 July 2011

Young Bloods @ Warhammer World - Best Painted

A young lad from my FLGS went to the 'Young Bloods' one day 40K tournament at Warhammer World today. I'll do a blog post on both his progress and my opinions of the event at a later date but for now here's some pictures of those armies nominated for 'best painted'.

Editors Note : I apologise in advance for the various reflections on some of the pics but I did the best I could with the equipment I had available ;-)

Chaos Space Marines.

Space Wolves?


Dark Eldar.


Feel free to comment on anything you like (with the exception of my photography skills for which I've already apologised, lol).


  1. 1) please tell me the CSM or Eldar won

    2) that Swolves kid upsets me and I'm not sure why

  2. @ Citizenwilliams - I'm not sure who won as I left before the announcement. Perhaps snazle can chip in with a comment if he can remember who won as he (presumably) stayed till the end.

  3. Oh look its spaceangelgreywolfknights of blood .... Heh at least they finished an army, I just booked for throne in october, I have one squad and half a transport painted so far. I need slaves lossa slaves, chicks dig slaves....
