Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Deathwatch - Forge Master Mortis : Current Status.

E-Mail In :

I've been reading through your Deathwatch stuff and was interested in your current stats for your 'Mortis' character. We've been doing Dark Heresy for a while with a very political sort of campaign and now we're looking for something a bit more visceral. I know you've done the 'Fluff' bits but I'm interested in the actual characteristic scores, talents and whatever for a Techmarine character that's been going for a while as that's the speciality I plan on taking and we want to go right up to the top ranks (though that will obviously take a while we realise).

Reply :

Okay then, but this might be a bit dull for anybody not actually interested in such things, lol.

He's got a lot more stuff now and I'm currently building a new model for him.
Last Edited : 07/11/2011

Character Name - Garrett 'Cog' Mortis.
Chapter - Night Reapers (2nd Company)
Chapter Demeanour - By Any Means Necessary***
Personal Demeanour - Calculating
Speciality - Forge Master
Rank - 5, Renown - 67 (Famed).

*** This isn't a standard Chapter Demeanour, it's one I made up for my Night Reapers Chapter.

Characteristic Scores (Characteristic Bonus in Brackets)
WS 58, BS 58, S (20)84, T (18) 84, Ag (2)25, Int (6)64, Per (4)49, WP (4)44, Fel (3)38

Editors Note : Making a Tech-Marine character into a 'Tank that can open doors' is fairly easy, however if you have a less traditional idea of how your character is going to progress then you need to discuss 'Elite Advances' (Page 59, Deathwatch Core Rulebook) with your GM right at the beginning. My GM is very strict with them, yours may have different ideas.

Wounds - 22
Fate Points - 4
Insanity - 10, Corruption - 10.
Movement - Half (4), Full (8), Charge (12), Run (24).

Astartes Artificer Armour (Thy strength be legend, Bring Death from Afar), Astartes Servo Harness with Breaching Auger, Astartes Storm Bolter, 3 Frag Grenades, 3 Krak Grenades, Thunder Hammer.

Editors Note : His Bolt Pistol and Combat Knife are now integrated into his arms as concealed bionics as you'll see in the next section ;-)

Most are of 'exceptional' craftsmanship as there's no real in-game benefits for having them at 'Master'.
Augur Array, Bionic Arm (Right), Bionic Arm (Left), Bionic Heart, Bionic Locomotion, Bionic Lungs, Calculus Logi Implant, Concealed Weapon Bionic (Bolt Pistol), Concealed Weapon Bionic (Power Knife), Cranial Armour, Hermetic Infusion, Manipulator Mechadendrite, Mind Impulse Unit, Mining Helot Augmetics, Optical Mechadendrite, Subdermal Armour, Utility Mechadendrite.

Editors Note : As my own Chapters background has them with very close ties to a particular Forge World, their Techmarines share many of the Adeptus Mechanicums preferences for upgrades. Thus my GM agreed to allow me bionic upgrades from other systems (Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, etc.) and also to alter any part of my body that could have been considered to have 'failed' my character in some way.

Those with an * next to them come as standard though some have been subsequently upgraded, those with ** are standard for a Techmarine.
Awareness +20*, Barter*, Carouse*, Charm*, Ciphers (Chapter Runes*), Climb*, Command*, Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes*, Deathwatch*, Imperium*, War*), Concealment*, Contortionist*, Deceive*, Demolition, Disguise*, Dodge +20*, Drive* (Ground Vehicles), Evaluate*, Forbidden Lore (Xenos*, Archeotech +20), Gamble*, Inquiry*, Intimidate*, Literacy*, Logic*, Navigation (Surface*), Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes*), Scrutiny*, Search*, Security +20, Silent Move*, Speak Language (High and Low Gothic*, Techna-Lingua**), Swim*, Tactics* (Select One - Armoured Tactics), Tech-Use +20**, Tracking*).

Talents and Traits.
Those with an * next to them come as standard, those with ** are standard for a Techmarine.
Ambidextrous*, Armour Monger, Autosanguine, Astartes Weapon Training*, Bulging Biceps*, Deathwatch Training*, Electro-Graft Use**, Heightened Senses (Hearing*, Sight*), Killing Strike*, Logis Implant, Luminen Charge, Machinator Array, Machine (2), Mechandendrite Use (Servo Arm)**, Mechanicus Implants**, Mighty Shot, Nerves of Steel*, Quick Draw*, Rapid Reload, Resistance (Psychic Powers*), Servo-Harness Integration, Signature Wargear (Master) (Storm Bolter), Signature Wargear (Combat Servitor), Sound Constitution (2), Talented (Security, Tech-Use), The Flesh is Weak (2), True Grit*, Two-Weapon Wielder (Ballistic, Melee), Unarmed Master*, Unarmed Warrior*, Unnatural Strength (x2)*, Unnatural Toughness (x2)*, Weapon Tech.

Special Abilities.
Blessed by the Omnissiah, Improve Cover, Master Armourer.

Blessing of the Omnissiah.

Jaws of Intellect.

Editors Note : For those of you familiar with other Fantasy Flight 40K RPG systems a Space Marines staring abilities are approximately equivalent to a spend of 12000 XP according to the Deathwatch Core rulebook. If I'm being honest though, I'd put it at closer to 15000 XP due to the 'Unnatural Characteristics' being so bloody useful, not to mention the extra abilities gained when you pick a 'speciality'.

Also, Here's the 'work in progress' that is Forge Master Mortis,

So I hope that interested more of you than just the guy who sent in the original e-mail, lol.


  1. "*** This isn't a standard Chapter Demeanour, it's one I made up for my Night Reapers Chapter."

    ... and you didn't call it Win At All Costs? I'm saddened.

    Also, Fantasy Flight crunch spins my head right round, baby, right round. I can just about bugger my way through playing their games but I'm starting to see the appeal of five-minute character generation and character sheets that fit on an index card...

  2. I actually like the character generation system, it's just that the character sheet isn't particularly well laid out which doesn't help with the smooth flow of things.

    I think were going to put Deathwatch on-hold at the end of this year anyway and do 'Black Crusade' after Christmas.
