Saturday, 26 November 2011

Games Workshop Newsletter

From the point of view of value for money then these seem fairly good, however you couldn't make a decent army out of either of the 40K ones so the overall worth is somewhat debatable. I don't know enough about 8th Edition Fantasy to comment on the worth of those but maybe somebody will chip in with a comment about them one way or the other.....

Games Workshop
 The Games Workshop Newsletter26.11.2011
In this issue: Stocking-busters! New Megaforces and Army sets available to Advance Order now
Megaforce and Army sets - only available While Stocks Last
Whether you're new to the hobby or have been collecting for years, these new Megaforce and Army sets are amazing value for money and make the perfect Christmas gift. They're a great way to start a new Space Marines, Dark Eldar, Skaven or High Elf army. Make sure you place your orders today as they're only available While Stocks Last.
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  1. The Skaven one's not too bad, especially if one already has the Island of Blood box, with which it syncs up very well.

    Less impressed with the High Elf one, which pretty much fails to expand on anything in the starter box. Bitty, battleforcey and ultimately unsatisfactory unless you want one of everything.

  2. @ Von - They'd sell a lot more of those things if they were more viable as armies imo.
