Tuesday, 15 November 2011

House of Paincakes Article No.42ish

Article can be found here. This week on the subject of why the new Necron Codex is (imo) a wasted opportunity to do something different with a Xenos race rather than create yet another MSU marine equivalent army.

As I now apparently can't miss out a Tuesday Eye-Candy without getting whiny e-mails here's part two of the cleavage thing from last week.....

I believe we had reached L,

Lindsay Lohan.
For all her faults she does (given the right lighting conditions) have a pretty good rack.

Lucy Pinder.
Not technically a celebrity I suppose but I had the pics so what the hell....

Megan Fox.
I was tempted to leave her out just to annoy Sinsynn.

Melissa Archer.

Mila Kunis.

And finally.....Michelle Trachtenburg, Mischa Barton, Olivia Munn, Salma Hayek, Scarlett Johansson, Sofia Vergara and because we needed a Z.....Zoe Saldana.

Next weeks Eye-Candy will go back to being geeky in some way as I've been veering away from my original concept for this slot out of laziness more than anything, lol.


  1. Best...article...ever....

    Megan Fox belongs in every hot chick line ever, dude...you know this
    *reaching for disintegrator*

    Mmmmm...Olivia Munn with chains....

  2. "Next weeks Eye-Candy will go back to being geeky in some way as I've been veering away from my original concept for this slot out of laziness more than anything, lol."

    Needs moar Katie McGrath is what I say.

  3. @ Von - Now that is an excellent suggestion.....and congratulations on the HoP idol win.
