Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Time Factors...

Like most people without access to a time machine or the ability to go without sleep I have limited amounts of time in which to do things.

Like pretty much all of you out there with responsibilities of any kind there's also essentials that need to be fitted into those available spare hours such as paying bills, picking kids up from school (my own, obviously), eating, etc. With all that taken into account I have about three hours a day to spend on hobby during the week and whatever time I can persuade my family to allow me on my days off, lol.

So as I really want to get my basic stuff painted while still getting a chance to do the fun conversions I've decided to attempt a 'project' per week. I also intend to alternate between 'need to' such as basic troops and vehicles and 'more fun' things such as conversions and things like my Forge World Greater Brass Scorpion which has been at the undercoat stage for about three years now.

This week I'm starting with a 'need to' as I have thirty almost complete Marines just waiting some finishing touches. Next week I'm going to make a start on some of the 'Captains' of my Night Reapers Chapter which I'm rather looking forward to adding some colour to...

'Counts-As' Lysander
'Counts-As' Straken
'Counts-As' Kharn
This model also deserves some care and attention as well as needing his two 'brothers' building. This is an old pic though as to be fair this one is at least base coated now. 

So that's what I'll be up to and I'll have 'progress' pictures as the week goes on as well as any other random ramblings that spring to mind...the 6th edition rumours now emerging are not doing much to reassure me about the future of 40K either I'm afraid.....


  1. Alright Garath mate, how you been?
    Liking your Kharn model
    Your Lysander looks a bit 'static' to me
    Could just be the angle of the picture

  2. Straken looks awesome, only not sure as to why he has a SM backback

    1. The reasoning behind the Straken model can be found here,

