Sunday, 29 July 2012

Forge World and Warhammer 30K...

As many of you already know I'm some-what split with my opinion on Forge World...Of course that's not the only opinion I'm sometimes split on...

No...not 'Blonde or Brunette' but why the hell would a brunette want to be blonde...

Wait...I had a Warhammer related point to make as well....

In general I like their models but their ability to write a balanced set of rules for them borders on the non-existent.

Therefore I'm quite happy for some-one to use a Forge World model in a 'normal' game in order to 'count-as' an existing unit as the models are (9 times out of 10) very nice to look at. If we happen to be playing an Apocalypse game then bring whatever you please as Apocalypse is designed for fun 'use everything you own while eating snacks and drinking beer' games and balance has gone out of the window looooooooooong before some-one puts his Reaver Titan on the table.....

I am therefore quite polite but unswerving in my 'Use the model if you wish but not the rules' policy and I wouldn't consider playing against a Forge World book army list as in my experience people only use them to exploit their lack of balance while simultaneously trying to convince me that that's not the reason at all*

So given the opportunity to make lots of money keep the customers happy it was inevitable (and somewhat obvious given recent releases and the Black Library books popularity) that Forge World would release a book set in the time of the Heresy.....

I therefore brace myself for an incredibly pretty book, full of lovely models and illustrations with a selection of army lists and rules that I'll never voluntarily play against...

*If your the exception to this rule then good for you...I'm still not letting you use that Land Raider Achilles though...

It's also goes down in history as the least information filled 'teaser' of all fucking time...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome**

**It'd be nice if they were about Warhammer 40/30K though ;-)


  1. As a first off, brunette every time. Secondly, have to agree about the trailer. All the had to do was write ' forgeworld now gonna do Horus Heresy stuffs' and the descent into poverty would have been as equally assured. It also would not have wasted the valuable minutes it took my crappy computer to play it!

  2. they announced at games day Chicago yesterday that they were putting out IA like books that are compatible with the 6th edition rule book and do not require codexes. Warhammer 30k launches at Games Day UK.

    1. I'm sure there will be some nice models released in conjunction with the books but I'm not interested in the army lists and rules aspect at all as Forge Worlds record in the latter area is not good...

  3. The Horus Heresy lists are designed to be played against each other (i.e. 30k vs 30k) not against standard 40k lists, and I'm sure in that context they're fine!

    Individual FW models mixed into 40k have balance issues, sure, and tend to appeal to WAAC power gamers it's true. I suspect 30k will appeal more to the fluff-bunny kind of player like myself who would rather paint up and incorporate a useless but great looking 40k honour guard into his list instead of a sensible TH/SS termie sqaud, drools over the beautiful minis of tacticals in ancient pattern power armour, loves the nostalgic/anachronistic feel of the HH era as late antiquity seen through the medieval 40k lens, (c.f. the roman centurion style helmet crests etc) and believes the emprah to be really real... :)
