Saturday, 29 December 2012

Finishing Stuff for a Change...

I've decided to complete the crews that I've got before I start assembling any of the new stuff. as most of my crews (with the exception of Seamus's) have unpainted models in them or at the very least are missing themed models that they (imo at least) need. I'm starting off this 'get shit done' project with the Leveticus crew that I've been most recently using.

However (as far as theme goes) Leveticus doesn't synergise with much so what's 'themed' for him is somewhat open for debate, lol. Obviously Rusty Alice, Ashes and Dust, Steampunk Abominations and Desolation Engines are themed to him but pretty much any dubious mechanical creation or pseudo undead can be justified as well. So as usual a bright idea I've had is going to be more work than I initially thought...

Here's some stuff that's done...ish...


Rusty Alice



There's still a lot to do though...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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