Saturday, 5 January 2013

Leveticus Core Crew - Completed

With the last two Desolation Engines completed I now have the core of my Leveticus crew completed.

Generally I use Leveticus with Rusty Alice, Ashes and Dust and a Watcher. Occasionally I start off with Steampunk Abominations and Desolation Engines on the table but more often than not they're brought on via spells and abilities during the game. Effectively this leaves me with a lot of options for expanding this particular crew as my core only comes to 24 soulstones*. However, for now we'll call it done ;-)

* Most Leveticus players also take a Canine Remains to turn into a 2nd Hollow Waif on turn one as a bit of a safety margin and I'm no different...however they're not painted so I haven't included them in the picture.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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