Friday, 22 February 2013

Hellraiser Crew (Part 9) - The List

For those of you who have been asking...I've made a decision about what my Cenobite crew is going to 'Count-As'.

Though I'd initially considered a number of options it was pointed out to me by various people that 'Pinhead' rarely killed any-one in direct combat. His usual method involves summoning chains with spikes on them or various other 'indirect' methods of damage dealing. I therefore needed a master who did damage at range but was also adequate in melee and in order to keep things simple when using the (already pretty confusing) crew against others I'd also need that master's 'signature' followers to keep to the general methodology of Pinhead's own team which is (in general) get up close and slice and dice...

I have therefore decided to go with a Guild crew led by Sonnia Criid though I may use him as Lady Justice for certain missions. The following list shows what I'll be using and what they will be pretending to be ;-)

Guild Crew - 40 - Scrap

Sonnia Criid/Lady Justice -- 5 Pool - Pinhead

Brutal Effigy [4ss] - Lament Configuration/Puzzle Box
Desperate Mercenary [2ss] - Vagrant/Puzzle Box Guardian/Skinned Victim?
Desperate Mercenary [2ss] - Vagrant/Puzzle Box Guardian/Skinned Victim?
Executioner [7ss] - 'Twins' cenobite
Guild Hound [3ss] - Chatterer Beast
Guild Hound [3ss] - Chatterer Beast
Witchling Handler [7ss] - Chatterer
Witchling Stalker [4ss] - Cenobite
Witchling Stalker [4ss] - Cenobite
Witchling Stalker [4ss] - Cenobite

I will make sure that I have a few extra Cenobites available should I be fortunate to create any extra Witchling Stalkers during the game.

I still have the Brutal Effigy and the Desperate Merc stand-ins to do but I wabted to make a start on the painting ;-)

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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