Saturday, 9 March 2013

Going back to 40K - Part 3 (a) - Rock, Paper, Scissors

I've always been a fan of balanced armies but after some consideration I may have to look at a more extreme list variant in order to deal with the piss-poor design of 6th. The next few posts will be lists that are pretty much the absolute opposite to 'balanced' and hopefully I'll get some constructive ideas going from you lot ;-)

Since I use my Night Reapers to 'count-as' virtually everything Marine it doesn't really matter what codex I use. Dark Angel Tactical Squads are cheap as are their Librarians and (for no apparent reason) so are their Jump Marines so they'll make a perfectly adequate 'core' army. I'll then use allies (Blood Angels) to get some more Jump Troops which as a happy coincidence will also score.

I suppose this would be 'paper' and is purely for discussion purposes...

42 marines move forward, 60 take objectives or vice versa if the objectives are far apart I suppose.

Marine Spam. 
Dark Angels Core.

1 Librarian c/w Jump Pack and Melta Bomb - 90 points

10 Man Tactical Squad c/w Plasmagun and Multi-Melta - 165 Points
10 Man Tactical Squad c/w Plasmagun and Multi-Melta - 165 Points
10 Man Tactical Squad c/w Plasmagun and Multi-Melta - 165 Points
10 Man Tactical Squad c/w Plasmagun and Multi-Melta - 165 Points
10 Man Tactical Squad c/w Plasmagun and Multi-Melta - 165 Points
10 Man Tactical Squad c/w Plasmagun and Multi-Melta - 165 Points

10 Man Assault Marines Squad c/w Flamers x2 and Melta Bomb - 185 Points
10 Man Assault Marines Squad c/w Flamers x2 and Melta Bomb - 185 Points

Blood Angels Allies.

1 Librarian c/ Jump Pack - 120 Points

10 Man Assault Marines c/w Meltagun x2 and Meltabomb - 215 Points
10 Man Assault Marines c/w Meltagun x2 and Meltabomb - 215 Points

Total: 2000

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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