Monday, 8 April 2013

A Warmachine Challenge...

Several unstable individuals at my FLGS have decided to except a challenge to have 300 point fully painted Warmachine/Hordes armies by Christmas this year.

Of course most of them already have significant sized armies so they have a bit of an advantage over some-one who (hypothetically) has 13 points of partially assembled Cryx without under-coat sitting on a tray next to a Witch Coven that's only a third painted...

However all is not lost,

A few other people have decided to set themselves more reasonable and achievable goals in order to motivate themselves to accomplish some kind of Warmachine related task or another and here's mine...

My intention is to have 75 points of fully painted and based Cryx for the end of this year and to have played at least 10 Games of Warmachine with it...I was going to say win 10 games of Warmachine but I fear that might be a tad on the optimistic side. My intention is to use a tiered list (all four tiers if possible) based around either the Witch Coven, Deneghra or Skarre as they are the casters I like the look of. Hopefully there's some cross-over so I don't need to buy three different armies, lol.

There's three of them and they're the picture is totally relevant...
Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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