Sunday, 7 April 2013

Crew a Week Challenge (1) - The Thunder (Completed)

Well it's nice to start off with a success...

I've managed to complete 'The Thunder' Box Set from bits on a sprue to painted and based in a week. Rather than go with the traditional Ten Thunders yellow colour scheme I've gone with a 'dirtier' look. As they are a clan whose modus operandi is Infiltration and assassination I thought I'd go with a completely different style for them. Currently opinion is split on whether it's worked or not...but I like it...

First the rank and this case the Torakage...

and moving onto their heavy hitter...Ototo...

and every crew needs a here's Misaki...

....and every Master needs a Totem, so here's Shang...

In order to keep the colour schemes in theme I've had to go with a magical flame colour for Shang rather than the usual orangey flame that most people have used. This is the only one I'm unsure about...

Next weeks challenge is going to be to complete all the themed add-ons for this particular Crew which will consist of these two boxes,

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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