Sunday, 14 April 2013

Crew a Week Challenge (2) - The Thunder (Completed)

Week 2's plan was to paint some of the other Ten Thunders models (specifically those that are themed to Misaki) and I'm happy to say that I have succeeded with getting them done on time. I also succeeded in the secondary goal of getting a game in with them*

* That's not...strictly true....I did a demo game for some-one at my FLGS and they used Misaki under my guidance. So I only...sort-of...used them...but it's close enough...

With those all done I can move onto the next challenge...and though I'm itching to do Yan Lo, I'm going to wait till the week after next to do them as I have some older crews still lying around that I really need to get on with. Next weeks challenge will be Collodi's Starter box...not least because I need them for a tutorial, lol.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. i have seen the bowmen IRL... they are astonishingly fine.

  2. They look great! Awesome models and nice paint job. Now make a start on Collodi! ;)

  3. wait, is that samurai from ten thunders 2nd edition?

    1. He's 'Izamu the Armour'.

      He's a Resurrectionist model but from a background point of view he's associated with Yan Lo who's a Ten Thunders Master. He's not the giant gatling gun armed one that we're waiting for I'm afraid...
