Thursday, 25 April 2013

Malifaux for Beginners - Starter Set Soulstone Values

Editors Note - This tutorial is for version 1.5 of the Malifaux rules and has been left available for reference only. Some Malifaux 2nd Edition Tutorials can be found well as quite a few of these old ones, lol.

I'm often asked about what people need to start Malifaux and those conversations inevitably move onto the Soulstone value of those Box Sets.

For an in depth examination of the contents of these sets then I recommend the 'Malifaux on a Budget' articles on The Murder of Ravens Blog but for quick reference I've listed the totals here. I've divided them by Faction and listed two totals. The first total is the actual Soulstone value of the crew and the second total is the value of the crew when their Soulstone Pool is maxed out.

For example - Lady Justice's Box Set comes to a total of 19 Soulstones and their Master (Lady Justice) has a Cache of 4 Soulstones. By adding enough Soulstones to max out her Soulstone pool to 8 we have a potential Maximum value for the crew of 23. Henchmen will have a dash in the Max Pool section as Henchmen have special requirements...for more information on Henchmen there's a tutorial here.


Colette: 21 SS (26 SS Max Pool)
Kaeris: 24 SS (-)
Marcus: 22 SS (26 SS Max Pool)
Mei Feng: 25 SS (28 SS Max Pool)
Ramos: 28 SS (34 SS Max Pool)
Rasputina: 21 SS (25 SS Max Pool)


C. Hoffman: 16 SS (20 SS Max Pool)
Lady Justice: 19 SS (23 SS Max Pool)
Lucas McCabe: 23 SS (27-31 SS Max Pool)*
Lucius: 26 SS (-)
Perdita: 25 SS (31 SS Max Pool)
Sonnia: 20 SS (24 SS Max Pool)

*Lucas McCabe can spend additional Soulstones to buy starting equipment so his total can vary.


Collodi: 17 SS (-)
Dreamer: 19 SS (24 SS Max Pool)
Jakob Lynch: 18SS (24 SS Max Pool)
Lilith: 19 SS (23 SS Max Pool)
Pandora: 23 SS (26 SS Max Pool)
Zoraida: 25 SS (28 SS Max Pool)


Hamelin: 22 SS (30 SS Max Pool)
Leveticus: 20 SS (28 SS Max Pool)
Ophelia: 22 SS (-)
Somer Teeth: 16 SS (24 SS Max Pool)
Viktoria: 24 SS (32 SS Max Pool)
Von Schill: 26 SS (-)


Kirai: 19 SS (24 SS Max Pool)
McMourning: 23 SS (25 SS Max Pool)
Molly: 22 SS (-)
Nicodem: 22 SS (27 SS Max Pool)
Seamus: 18 SS (24 SS Max Pool)
Yan Lo: 19 SS (22 SS Max Pool)

Ten Thunders.

Misaki: 29 SS (33 SS Max Pool)

If you have any questions, find any errors with this tutorial or would like some further examples then feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

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