Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Deadzone Kickstarter Newsletter.

I pledged to this a couple of weeks ago and after playing the Alpha test rules I'm really, really looking forward to it...

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The Deadzone Kickstarter continues to storm ahead, smashing through $500,000 and knocking over a couple of stretches over the weekend, adding in a free faction starter of your choice (that's up to 13 free models) and a special unique character.

These rebels patrol the deserted city.

As the campaign has evolved it started to become more of a “Kick within a Kick” – which is great because not only do we now have a beautiful range of sci-fi figures that also crossover into our Warpath armies, but we also have a brilliant game and an excellent science fiction scenery range.

However, with the reveal of the Ruined BattleZone pledge level we’re all but done with the scenery and from here on out we’re going to be focusing on the core game by:

Finishing the Asterians and the Forge Father Faction Starters
Our newest additions need some love and they will be getting some awesome specialists and fantastic support options as we finish off the Faction Starters in style.

Expanding the Game
We’ve already started fleshing out the core Game with some new and unique characters such as Simmonds and Recon Unit N32-19 - both of which are free in game pledges of Recon ($100+Early Bird) and up!

Enforcer Pathfinder Recon Unit N32-19 and the late Doctor Gayle Simmonds.

We’ve got more to come – a psychotic Judwan has been spotted and there’s rumours of a wicked headhunter wandering around these parts – and we’re going to cap them off with Solo Play and Zombies.

Yep, Zombies.

Those Corporation explorers on Nexus Psi never were safe…

From there – we’re going BIG! 

Big boards, big faction expansions (we’re talking orbital drop troops, 2-man weapon teams, new leaders, bigger named characters and more assault rifles and heavy weapons than you can shake a Corporation Carbine at!!) and bigger kits means your factions will be dripping in character and variety.
Join us and let's see which of these concepts we can unlock!

From here on out it’s all about the creating the best science fiction game we can make: Fantastic Miniatures, Awesome Scenery, a Fast, Simple and Fun Rules System.

This is Deadzone. Please pledge your support on Kickstarter.

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