Friday, 24 May 2013

Von Schill Crew - Painting Guide Request.

I don't generally do painting guides for two very good reasons. Firstly I don't consider myself a good enough painter to have any skills that the average painter doesn't already possess and generally asks me too, lol.

I was however asked how I did's an embarrassingly simple paint scheme...

After the usual mould line and flash removal I fixed them to the bases and used PVA to cover the bases in some sand. I use a few different grades of sand mixed together so when I base stuff I get a variety of textures which in turn gives a more realistic look.

I then under-coated the models with Army Painter Matte Black and once that had dried I gave them a second coat but this time with white. The second coat was done more thinly and this effectively starts the highlighting process as well as making points of detail more obvious.

Games Workshops Chaos Black and Skull White work just as well.

I first painted the areas of material (trousers, cloaks, etc.) with P3's 'Greatcoat Grey' before giving the whole model a wash of Army Painter's 'Dark Tone' Ink.

I highly recommend all of these Ink Washes these as they coat very nicely. The Dark Tone is an excellent replacement for the no longer available GW 'Badab Black' Wash (Their new replacement isn't even close in colour imo) and Strong Tone is to all intents and purposes identical to Devlan Mud (also no longer available) once it dries. After that I highlighted (fairly extremely) with the original colour (Greatcoat Grey). If you like your models brighter then by all means highlight with a lighter colour.

I then painted the eyes a nice bright red for which I used Games Workshop 'Blood Red' and then darkened down with a tiny dab of Dark Tone. It's hard to see on the pictures but after that I lightly dry-brushed Games Workshop Chainmail (no idea what the current equivalent is) on any metal surfaces...

...then any bits of the model not painted grey got a slightly watered down second layer of Dark Tone.

That's basically it for the models. The base was painted brown, dry-brushed with a lighter brown and then had some grass tufts added to it and then rim was painted Adeptus Battlegrey.

The only model with skin showing (Von Schill) had the skin painted in Vallejo Dark Sand which was then washed with Soft Tone.

If you wanted to add more depth you can just keep adding layers of wash followed by highlights, followed by more wash for as many layers as you deem necessary. As I've been doing these as weekly projects I tend to stop at what you'd call 'table-top' standard but if you have more time then lucky you, lol.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. Thanks a lot!
    I've never been an artist or skilled with a paintbrush, so I find it easier if I have a guideline to work with. Thanks again!

    1. Your welcome. If you have any queries on any of the other crews I've painted then feel free to ask and I'll see what I can do :-)
