Saturday, 15 June 2013

Crew a Week Challenge - Zoraida the Hag

I'm so far behind on this weeks project that my first failure might be on the cards....

....hell, I've only just got around to basing them.....

The idea is to have the base area to be painted as swamp water with the crew standing on rocks in that water. There will be appropriate looking reeds and things coming out from under the rocks...that's the plan anyway...but to be honest 'have paint on them' will be a result the way it's going so far, lol.

To make it worse my FLGS (Titan Games) is having a weekend to promote the Malifaux M2E rule-set and that means that most of my Sunday hobby time is going to be taken up by demoing Malifaux rather than painting Malifaux...

Thoughts, comments or functional plans for a time-machine are (as usual) most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Only you would grump about having to pimp the new version of Malifaux.
    I'll bet you get free stuffs, or sumpthin.'
