Thursday, 18 July 2013

Warmachine 'Goreshade' List.

I could do my usual massive over analysis of a game system, spend hours looking for optimum configurations and then buy some models that I don't like particularly because they're optimal...or...

...I'll pick what I like the look of and just get good at using them...

I'm going with a Goreshade tiered list because I like the model though being as I hate elves his background is somewhat of an issue...but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. His model is very similar in style to the Bane Thralls and Knights that I like so I can paint them with a unified scheme.

So this guy will be my Warcaster,

I'll be having two of the following units and I get a 2nd unit attachment for free as part of the tiered list that ignores the normal limit of 1.

and I'll most likely be having one of the following as well,

With all those Bane's It'd be rude not to invite their Solo along as well as the Withershadow Combine as I need it for tier 3 of the list,

All the models I've selected fit a similar style so the army should have a nice coherent look. I do have an issue with Jacks however as none of them really leap out at me. For tier 4 of the list I need to take at least three Bonejacks with 'Arc Node' and as this was a useful ability in my first game that shouldn't be an issue.

These are my options...

I suppose it comes down to whether I want to shoot things at short range or eat them. I'm also pretty sure that I'll need a couple of larger Helljacks but for now they'll have to be Slayers as that's what I've got and this project is already getting expensive, lol.

That comes to about 50 points which is about the standard points level that the locals are playing at.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Hating elves shouldnt be an issue background wise, he is to the elves as Horus was/is to the imperium (WE HATE THAT GUY!)

    In fact the elves hate him so much that his second cousin twice removed is still distrusted even though he has designed a lot of new tech for them
