Saturday, 14 September 2013

Forge World Newsletter #359

Some accessories for a few of the Traitor Legions have been released and there's a video of Alan Bligh chatting about the 2nd of the Horus Heresy books 'Massacre'...

Word Bearers Legion Accessories
If there is a hierarchy of treachery, then the Word Bearers sit in its highest circle. Once the most devoted and rigorous of warriors, it was not enough that they fell, but they pulled their brother Legions into the abyss with them.

For this fallen Legion, we have created sets of Mk IIMk III and Mk IV Shoulder Pads as well as door sets for the Land RaiderMk IIB Land Raider and the Rhino. Designed by Steve Whitehead, these resin accessories are ideal for adding Word Bearers iconography to your infantry and tanks. These sets are available to pre-order now and will be despatched from Monday 30th September. A limited quantity of these kits will be available at Games Day UK, however we are unable to accept reservations for these items
Night Lords Legion Accessories
Even when the Night Lords were counted loyal, their nature and actions were ever questioned. Some argued that they were simply a function of necessity, the monsters needed to drag a barbaric age into the light. Some say that they were a mistake, a misjudgment compounded by circumstance. A few wonder if they were damned from the moment they were born, that they were destined never to be a part of the future they would help create. All such speculation is ultimately pointless; no matter the cause, they are creatures of horror and always were.

For this monstrous Legion, we have created sets of Mk II and Mk IV Shoulder Pads as well as Night Lords Legion Land Raider Doors. Designed bySteve Whitehead, these resin accessories are ideal for adding Night Lords iconography to your infantry and tanks. These sets are available to pre-order now and will be despatched from Monday 30th September. A limited quantity of these kits will be available at Games Day UK, however we are unable to accept reservations for these items.
Horus Heresy Book Two Massacre Interview with Alan Bligh video
The Word Bearers and the Night Lords Legions will be featured in our forthcoming The Horus Heresy Book Two – Massacre. Further details can be found in the Forge World Visual Feed. In our latest video, writer Alan Bligh discusses what you can look forward to in the new book. You can also view our trailer for the book here.

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