Friday, 13 September 2013

Unboxing Malifaux - Guild Hounds

Some things in Malifaux are too quick to catch when you only have one pair of legs...luckily there's a solution to that problem...

Guild Hounds

Blister Artwork.

Guild Hounds - Unassembled.
One of these models comes in two pieces and the other comes in three. Both require that lower and upper bodies to be attached together and this joint needs some filing and possibly a small piece of your hobby putty of choice. The three part one has a separate foreleg with a fairly small contact's one of those 'glues to your finger and then pulls off the model' situations that we as hobbyists all know and love, lol.

Guild Hounds Stat Cards(1.5)

Guild Hounds - Assembled.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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