Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Weekly House of Paincakes Article (21)

This weeks House of Paincakes article is on the subject of bloggers who get too wrapped up in trying to up there site views at the expense of doing what they's more common that you might think...

It can be found here.

As is traditional on Wednesdays I usually do a gallery of some kind. Last week was a selection of pictures that I was using as inspiration for my Malifaux crews 'Rotten Belles' though more often than not it's just an arbitrary reason for posting some pictures in the Gothic or Steampunk genres...this week will be one of those arbitrary ones...

'Gothic' doesn't have to mean dark haired...

 I suppose this one is actually more Steampunk...what with the goggles...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most would be nice if some of them were on the article I linked to though...


  1. I have a comment about your link . .. It downt work fo' me!

    1. Well it was four years ago...apparently that site has been rearranged since then...oh well...

    2. Haha woops - didn't see that!
