Friday, 11 October 2013

1000th Post Competition

When I started this blog for the sole purpose of showing some-one a picture of my 40K Daemon army I had no idea that I'd still be posting things all this time later...

With nearly nine hundred posts on my own blog, ninety Articles on House of Paincakes as a regular author and half a dozen irregular ones before that it occurred to me that 1000 posts (give or take) was something that I should commemorate in some manner. To be honest I'd like to be able to give some kind of super rare item or expensive piece of kit to some lucky winner but to be frank I'm too poor to do so...but what I do have is some soulstones accumulated via my Henchman duties for Wyrd Miniatures...there should be enough spare to buy a shiny new Malifaux starter crew box for somebody...

So the manner of prize was settled upon now I just needed to decide how to decide who gets it. As I'm far to lazy to judge any sort of genuine competition I figured the obvious answer was 'pick a Follower at random' as they are the most traceable people who look at my blog but then it occurred that much of the feedback I've been getting recently is via my Facebook page..

So here's how this is going to work...

First I'll need to know what name you follow my blog under, and also what name you 'Like' my Facebook page under...I won't do the prize draw for a few weeks so if your a reader who doesn't currently follow and/or like me you can do the necessary button clicking required to become so.

Once you have the above info send it in an e-mail to...


1) The name you 'Like' my Facebook page with
2) The identity you 'Follow' my blog with
3) The Malifaux crew starter box you'd like as a prize - This needs to be one that's currently available from the Wyrd store. Though if you hang on till they're back in stock then you can pick an M2E one. I'll e-mail the winner before I order the prize so you'll be able to change your mind then should you so desire.

Don't worry about me selling your details to some random spammer...I'm not that desperate for money...

Should you want some inspiration then you can have a look through my unboxing articles.

The prize draw will occur towards the end of the month. I'd love to give all the people who've supported the blog over the years a prize but unfortunately it's just going to be the one of you, lol.

Thanks again for the support.


  1. I'm not sure after writing 1000 posts that it is you who should be giving out the free stuff. Perhaps we should all club together and get you a cake or something with lots of candles. That is some milestone you've achieved there. Congrats.

    1. To be fair if I didn't get reader feedback or at least the impression that I'm being of some help then I probably wouldn't have bothered to continue this long so some viewer thanks are in order I thought...

      ...Of course if you all want to buy me presents then I'm hardly likely to object, lol.

    2. I'm impressed by 1000 entries.. I can't even blog about 2. Congratulations Gmort!
