Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Not a Weekly House of Paincakes Article (1)

Family matters have interfered in my hobby time somewhat so I didn't have time to write a House of Paincakes article this's also the reason why most of my recent articles have been of the 'look at these pictures they're cool' variety.....on the other hand my thirteen year old daughters school play is far more important than toy soldiers...despite what some people who take this hobby too seriously might think, lol.

The gallery thing is still a tradition though this week we'll be looking at something a bit different as sometimes cool pictures don't need to include steam-punk girls, hot Goth chicks or cosplayers...not this week anyway...

Here's this guys rather interesting take on some Disney Princesses...I particularly like Pocahontas though the others are very cool as well.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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