Saturday, 28 December 2013

A Day of Malifaux...

I needed a bit of a break from mass production of armies so I decided to grab some Malifaux as that usually relaxes me and re-invigorates my desire to do hobby...

...before today I would have said always relaxes me...but...well... of the things in the above pile was designed by a sadist...or some-one with three least one of which has some kind of tentacle attachment with a built in microscope...with precognitive abilities...on the bright side I now have enough pictures to do four of those un-boxing features that are so inexplicably popular, lol.

Sonnia Criid went remarkably well. This was in part due to the fact that the Witchling Stalkers are single part models.

Though Samael Hopkins makes up for this by being in quite a lot of of which make up his belt and the equipment on it. I'll cover the issues when I do the un-boxing article on them which should appear early next week. I put them on rocky bases this time rather than the sand ones I did for the old crew but I can still tie them together with a bit of colour matching.

Filled with self confidence I moved on to Pandoras 'No Shelter Here'.

In the not so distant past I made some cobblestone bases for a tutorial and as I was intending to base this Pandora crew in that way it seemed silly to make some unnecessarily. This meant that I only needed to make three. The only downside to this is that I'll need to undercoat the models that are going on the pre-made ones separately in order to prevent having to re-paint those bases...they also have moss on them as well. these also went together quite simply...

Then I started on the Ramos crew....

First I should probably say that when assembled the models are gorgeous so I wouldn't let my troubles with them put you off getting the crew. Just make sure you don't make the mistakes I did...and make sure you aren't in a rush, lol.

My issues (in no particular order) were Ramos's arm needing to be sandwiched in between his shoulder joint and his cloak, Josh having three spindly little bits of tubing as part of his mechanical pieces, an eight legged spider where all the legs are separate and slightly different and Howard Langston (the M2E version of Steampunk Executioner) not fitting on the base when you put the legs where they're meant to go...

Why couldn't Ramos model all his creations after things with two legs...
I'll cover the issues in more detail (as usual) in the upcoming un-boxing article (It'll appear next week or possibly the week after along with three others) but lets just say I was hoping to be further along than I actually got. I had made the mistake of cutting all the parts off the sprue and de-mould lining them so even the instructions weren't any help. I would emphatically suggest that when assembling the Brass Arachnid and Steampunk Executioner that you remove parts one at a time and follow the instructions...very...very...carefully...

Unfortunately I was then stopped by my bodies need for food...and the fact that what I had left to assemble was also fucking spiders...

I have a wedding to attend tomorrow so this is the stage at which they'll remain until Monday...

As soon as I can I'll get these done as un-boxing features together with some handy assembly guides built in as well as a few un-boxings of some of the older metal miniatures that still might interest some of you. I'll also do some 'old vs. new' size comparison pictures as people seem to want to know the differences which I;m presuming is for the purposes of matching models from new crews to older ones.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. Wow, great job assembling all those models in such a rapid succession.

    I recently assembled Sonnia and her crew. Samael Hopkins took quite a while due to all his pieces (many of which I had to use some modelling putty on to fix seams and gaps...). Ramos and his crew look like they would take some serious effort to assemble. All the tiny legs for the little spiders... Good luck finishing them.

    I look forward to your unboxing posts!

    1. Unboxing posts should appear early January. They take a lot more organising than people think, lol.
