Sunday, 8 December 2013

Deadzone Progress...of Sorts...

Hit a motivation failure today...I think nearly a year of night shifts has finally caught up on me...but I still managed to make some minor progress...

I wanted another first generation plague but didn't want two with identical poses so I converted one.

If you look carefully you can see the grey where I had to fill a small gap at the rear of each shoulder where the arm meets the body. It was a relatively simple job so I'm now quite confident that I can convert the hell out of the Deadzone stuff into some different poses.

I also altered the pose on some of the third generation ones as the way they're designed if you slot them together the way they're intended the arms always go in the same direction (there's a shaped piece on the parts that's different on each model) but you can just chop that off and angle them any way you please and swap arms about at will. A tiny bit of hobby putty was needed in the gaps but not much.

They got a base coat of Army Painter Skeleton Bone (There's a washed prototype at the back)...

They then got a wash of Army Painter Red Tone...

I decided to do a bit of work on one of the big beasties in order to get a rough idea of whether the look I wanted in my head translated into the real world...It does...kinda...

For a 'Skeleton Bone' base-coat, a 'Red Tone' wash, a light 'Ivory' dry-brush and the addition of some of the new Games Workshop blood effect it's not bad. They'll all get this kind of basic treatment so I can get them onto a game-board 'painted' and then they'll get some more work afterwards.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. Crazy lookin' monsters, man....the big one looks like one of my exes...

    1. They're're one of the four currently available Deadzone factions. There's two more coming early next year.
