Sunday, 22 December 2013

Plague for Warpath - Part 1

I decided that I was particularly keen on the Plague faction for Deadzone...and then discovered that an army list had been written for them for Warpath. As Warpath is going to be updated in the near future I thought I'd download the army list and see if I actually had enough plague to make up an actual army of them...

...apparently I do...

...looks like another project has got itself added to the list...but as I need some of the models for Deadzone as well I suppose it's one of those 'two birds with one stone' scenarios...

Here's the project at a very early stage...

An actual army list and some more details on any adaptations I have to make to get the Deadzone stuff to work will follow as I get around to actually doing them, lol.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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