Saturday, 15 February 2014

Deadzone/Dreadball Encyclopaedia - Working on Version 2.0

Initially the idea of compiling all the various bits and pieces of background information about Mantic Games's Deadzone game came from a casual question I asked on a forum about Plague Zombies, which resulted in a few vague replies based on information on one of the Kickstarter updates that no-one could quite remember the number of...but as there were well over a hundred of them this was fairly understandable.

Some-one then made a statement along the lines of "It would be useful if some-one compiled all that info into one place...". I bet he was really surprised when some idiot said "Okay then..." So I did it but the first version (split into three) had a few issues. Firstly it had a severe lack of pictures and secondly I was a bit random about whether I cared about the word 'The' at the beginning...

I then did version 1.5 which rectified both of those issues...and created a few others. It was moderately popular from a views point of view (at least initially) which was nice and I got some positive feedback and some less positive 'constructive' feedback. The issues laid out to me were that it was still a bit light on pictures and that it had become unwieldy to search through and the fact that I intended to add the Dreadball Kickstarter background information was only going to make that worse...

So the plan is this...

Firstly I'm going to finish adding in the Dreadball Kickstarter background info and then add the few extra bits of info and quotes from the websites and forums (there's some Deadzone stuff from those locations to add as well) which is unfortunately in the short term going to bloat the four existing parts by varying amounts.

Once that's complete I'm going to create an index page with all the current entries on it subdivided alphabetically and then create a page for each one. Though this adds an extra 'click' to the search process it should make finding things easier for every-one as well as making it more simple for me to update when the inevitable Dreadball Extreme, Warpath and Kings of War 2 Kickstarters start adding additional background info.

I'm also considering moving the freely available short stories to their own page but for obvious reasons I won't be adding in ones from the upcoming Deadzone short story 'Nexus Psi' supplement as I think Mantic Games might be a bit unhappy with me if I do...

...I also need to think of a better name for it.

For those of you with no idea what I'm talking about (or who just haven't bothered to look) here's links to the current version. The Deadzone part is fairly comprehensive though the Dreadball bit is still missing the website info, though anything in the Kickstarter updates is in there somewhere.


Should you just be curious about the content so far then currently the Encyclopaedia contains the following entries. Those in blue are the recently added Dreadball ones

Short Stories
An Unusual Day at the Office, Asterians - Silent and Deadly, Crossed Paths, Forge Fathers - Don't call them short; they hate that, Harsh Lessons, Predator and Prey, Surrounded,
Alpha Simians, Anne-Marie Helder MVP, Asterians, Asterian Black Talon, Asterian Cypher with Fission Beam, Asterian Weapon Drone with Energy Cannon/Shield Generator, A’teo “The Savage” Adysi,
Barricade, Big Mech, Bjarg Starnafall, Blaine - Convict Mercenary, Blaine, the Convict MVP, Boomer - Marauder Grenadier, Buzzcut MVP,
Chief Radgrad - Marauder Character, Chovar Mercenary, Coach Renton, Codename Oberon - Nameless Mercenary, Containment Protocols,  Co-Prosperity Park, CQD Shield,
Deadzones, Doctor Gayle Simmonds, Dozer Teraton MVPDreadball (Dreadball Sponsorship), Dreadball Cheerleaders, Dreadball Keepers, Dreadball Mech, Dreadball Trophies, Drones,
Eddak P'mera, Energy Shields, The Enforcer MVP, The Enforcers, Enforcer Assault Marine, Enforcer Engineer, Enforcer Peacekeepers, Enforcer with Incinerator/Burst Laser, Enforcer Technology,
Forge Fathers,  Forge Father Brokkrs, Forge Father Brokkr with Muspell-pattern Rifle, Forge Father Inferno Drill, Fortified Defence Line BattleZone, Freya, Forge Father Smuggler, Frag Grenades,
Gabriel "Gabe", Jonathan, Glue Grenades, Grogun,
H - I
The Helfather, HEW Guntracks, Holo-Sight,
John Doe, Judwan, The Judwan, Jump Packs,
Kish - Plague Named Character, The Kraww,
Ludwig Z'zor MVP, The Lu-Fin Exiles,
ManticCorp All-stars, Marauders, Marauder Commandos, Marauder Hulk, Marauder Mawbeast Bombers, Marauder Ripper Suits, Marauder Ripper Suits with close combat weaponry, Marauder Ripper Suits with long ranged weaponry, Marauder Sniper, Marauder Stuntbot, Mellisandra MVP, Mission Log, MVP's.
N - O
Nameless Spawn, Nameless, The, Nastanza - Twilight Huntress, Nem-Rath, Nexus Psi, Nightshade, Number 88,
Peacekeepers, Plague, The Plague (Plague Mutations, Plague Terminology), Plague 2nd Gen, Plague 3rd Gen with Grenade Launcher, Plague 3rd Gen with Heavy Machinegun; 3rd Gen with Rifle, Plague Zombies, Praetorian MVP, The, Prefabricated Units,
Quadrant Zero Stadium,
The Rebs, Rebs Commander, Rebs Grogan with Desolator Heavy Weapon, Rebs Kraaw, Rebs Yndij, Recon Unit N32-19, Rico Van Dien MVP, Rilla -Zee MVP, Robot Team, Ruined BattleZone,
Sentry Guns, Sergeant Howlett, Shensig Interplanetary, Smoke Grenades, Sorok, Stealth Cloak, Strider : Corporation/Plague, The Survivor,
T - V
Targeters, Teraton, Teratons,
W - X
Wrath - Judwan Assassin, Wyn Greth’ski,
Yndij, Yurik 'Painmaster' Yurikson,
Zees, Z'zor.

Your thoughts and feedback would be much appreciated.

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