Friday, 21 February 2014

Mantic Games Newsletter - Things are Getting Xtreme...

I was going to have a break from Kickstarters...then this happened...

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Dreadball Xtreme is a new standalone sports board game taking the glitz of DreadBall to the underground, where illicit sponsors rule with an iron fist. Violence is rampant with no referee, and the changeable pitch and deadly traps means that teams must play in the harshest of conditions.
You can find out more about the game and the full contents via our Kickstarter Page.

We're launching Xtreme through Kickstarter to expand DreadBall into new directions, creating more teams, more MVPs and new variant ways of playing, whilst strengthening the burgeoning DreadBall community.

Our concept artists and sculptors have all but completed their final sculpts for our existing projects, meaning we can turn them over to this new game without it affecting them.

The Xtreme Figures will not be Resin Plastic or Hard Plastic, instead we’re using the same plastic as our LOKA/Mars Attacks miniatures – and we’re assembling them for you!

We’ve got a great range of rewards where the sweet spot is RAMPAGE - get the Boxed Game PLUS:

- The Player Manual that details new Sponsors and all of the Traits and Influences needed to use your existing DreadBall models in Xtreme.

- A range of characterful Sponsor models

- A crazy multi-part customizable pitch for making your own pitch layouts.

- A Kickstarter Exclusive Ardia Shi’lek Sponsor, Digital Rulebook and free shipping to the US and UK!

This will of course be pumped with loads of bonus stretch goals the further we get down the campaign!

Not only this but we’ve created a number of limited edition“Early Bird” specials just for you guys, allowing you to get RAMPAGE! at a discounted price – a little thank you from us for getting in early!

Finally, in a new twist, we’ve also put together the FRENZY pledge level, which will get all of the stretch goals, usually in bumper fashion, plus a tasty selection of Add-ons at no extra cost.

We hope that together we can make the best miniatures sports games possible.Please pledge your support and spread the word - we appreciate any help we get!

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