Sunday, 2 February 2014

Warmahordes on a Budget.

My fellow local blogger 'Brick-face*' is continuing with his 'On a budget' series this time looking at the Trollbloods. I've played against several forces he's designed for people based on this premise and I can assure you that their cost effective nature in no way makes them an ineffective force...

* No, I've no idea why he selected 'Brick-face'...

The latest article on the aforementioned Trollbloods can be found here and the previous one on Cygnar (should you have missed it) can be seen here.

He's one of those bloggers who actually takes on board feedback so I'm sure if you have any ideas for improvement he'd be happy to hear them as though he's been in the hobby for many years he's still new to this blogging thing...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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