Tuesday, 1 April 2014

'Counts-As' Malifaux Crews - A New Challenge...

It's probably no surprise to you all that I like Malifaux a lot...unless this is the first time you've ever looked at my blog...in which case "I like Malifaux a lot..."

It is also fairly common knowledge that I'm quite fond of using 'counts-as' in order to take concepts from the vague pit of my imagination and translate them into usable forces on the table-top...though 'usable' is a bit subjective as my 'Hellraiser' crew took longer to explain to my opponent than the subsequent games did...

 So the guy with the pins in his head is Sonnia Criid?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Sometimes using proxies or 'counts as' models is merely because I have a concept that I want to use upon the table-top and no such model exists or sometimes the model exists but isn't designed for the system I want to us it for. Occasionally the process is as simple as changing a base and briefly explaining my spurious reasoning to a considerate opponent and in others the concept is so convoluted that it's unlikely to ever see a gaming table. Though I really enjoyed creating my 'Hellraiser' themed crew it's unlikely to be something I use in games with any regularity due to all the aforementioned problems. I'll still finish it off at some point though...

The other reason for the use of proxy or counts-as models is that I quite often look for a female equivalent of a male model and to be fair this isn't an uncommon preference amongst hobbyists both male and female (though probably for different reasons...). It's amongst the same reasons that gender reversed cosplays are so popular...

So in an effort to motivate myself to get some of these projects done I'm going to sneakily insert them into my 'crew a week' project in the following manner. Every third or forth crew will be one of my unfinished or barely started projects. Hopefully this should make sure that these bits and pieces actually get done and also keep the concept fresh for me so I don't just give up on it like I occasionally have the tendency to do with bright ideas I've had.

Here are the first two candidates...

A while ago I purchased from Hasslefree Miniatures a group of models that for the purposes of avoiding copyright issues are not in any way shape or form the Scooby Doo gang...so here are some models 'inspired' by the Scooby Doo Gang. The sweets did actually come with the models...

 Though there's an alternative version of 'Felicity' that I might acquire as well..

The above crew won't require any conversions and will fit nicely onto any normal set of bases...not sure what they're going to 'count-as' but they'll look cool and that's all that really counts. Another of my unfinished projects was a 'counts-as' female Hamelin the Plagued. The advantage of this crew idea is that I can do it at the same time as a standard Hamelin crew in a 'killing two birds with one stone' style. I've also already converted and under-coated a model so I have a bit of a head start...

To the painting table....

...though if any-one knows of a company that does female child models to the same scale as Malifaux models then that'd be a great help. As I already own the Hamelin box starter set that'll probably be an unboxing article as well, lol.

So by including these in my 'Crew a Week' thing I'm fairly sure that I'll eventually get them done and last time I did this project I actually got up to date with my Malifaux crews which was a refreshing change. There's a few other bits and pieces lying around that may make their way into the schedule as well but I think the above two (well three if I expand the Hellraiser crew) should be enough for now.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome

1 comment:

  1. Did you ever find malifaux scaled child models? I want to do a counts as crew for Roland's Ka-Tet from The Dark Tower. The wheelchair for Odetta and a Jake Chambers model are going to be my bottlenecks I would think.
