Sunday, 11 May 2014

A Productive Sunday...

I have now made my way through all the Malifaux items in need of repair and they have all rejoined their friends on my various shelves...

The Gremlins have a different shelf and I couldn't be arsed to take another picture...sorry...
I've also managed to finish a few more Malifaux bits and pieces that probably wouldn't have ever fit into any of my 'Crew a Week' projects so I got them done today. As I'd given myself two weeks to get all the McMourning stuff done and finished early this seemed like a constructive use of the time till I start a new 'challenge' on Monday.

Here's what got the finishing touches...

Dead Rider.
This one just required a minor repair  to the scythe, basing and a last highlight on the 'horse' head as it was a bit 'flat'.

Rafkin, the Embalmer.
Just needed touching up a bit (he was at the bottom of an old case...and had been for a while) and the base rim needed painting. Though my other similar models are now on wilderness or cobblestone looking bases I left him on the Morgue just seemed to fit the model perfectly...

Night Terrors.
These needed a final dry-brush and properly basing. Now I've looked at these pictures I may add some glowing eyes to them as well...

Night Terror 1.

Night Terror 2.

I also had acquired some Freebooter Fate models from Freebooter Miniatures that I was going to use as alternates for Desperate Mercenaries back in 1.5 when I had an idea for a 'grow' list and I needed something cheap to kill. I'm sure they'll come in useful for something in M2E...

They needed a few minor touches and basing which I've now done.

Last but by no means least...

Recently a friend of mine had the need to raise some funds quickly so despite feeling slightly guilty about acquiring them in such a manner I had some of his limited edition Malifaux stuff from him. Other than changing the base rim colour I've done nothing to these as he's a far better painter than me anyway. These are his 'table-top' standard which rather depressingly is still better than my 'spent bloody ages on these' standard.

If you like his work then he does do commission work and can be contacted via Titan Games Facebook Page which also has the shop details on it...ask for Martin...

Gremlin War Rooster.

Gremlin Egg Hauler.

Gremlinette Hog Whisperer.

Well now that lots done I suppose I best start repairing that Cryx Warmachine army...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    Do you sell the miniature egg hauler?

    I offer a good deal.

