Thursday, 17 July 2014

Deadzone Incursion - A Brief Review

Those amongst you who backed the Mantic Games Deadzone Kickstarter should have received a link to download their new Incursion supplement...

This new supplement contains a wealth of background material on a number of new units as well as extensive background for the Forge Fathers and Asterians (With a story for each). Additionally there's a section covering all the new special rules that will be required to use the incoming Wave 2 Deadzone models, new special equipment, a new chart to cover interaction with the new terrain sets, a new scenario and as a bonus there's also rules for using multiple game mats for larger games...lets have a closer look at some of those features...

The Contents.

Background Material.
This section is the largest portion of the supplement and covers all the new units and races as well as expanding upon the Enforcers units. Each section also has a picture of the unit in question and on that note it's worth mentioning that there's model pictures on virtually every page. We get a brief but detailed history of the two soon to be released races (Forge Fathers and Asterians) as well as some insight into their motivations and methods of operation.

Forge Fathers.


Here's a couple of the pages focussing on particular units...obviously I can't show them all as Mantic Games probably want you to buy the book if you aren't a backer, lol...but I've picked a few interesting ones...

New Rules and Equipment.
Well those new models wouldn't be half as much fun if you couldn't use them to brutally murder your enemies with and to that end it helps if you know what their special rules actually do and what those intriguing pieces of extra equipment are useful for...

The section is laid out the same as the equivalent section in the Deadzone rulebook and as before the rules are clearly laid-out and more than adequately explained. There's also a few paragraphs devoted to how certain of these rules interact with existing ones where it's not immediately obvious.

Multiple Mat Games...
This section covers some potential lay-outs and deployments for a number of game options as well as suggestions for number of players and/or sizes of forces...there's a sample page below...

I've only really scraped the surface of this extremely interesting expansion to Deadzone and if you're one of those people who weren't a Kickstarter backer then it's definitely worth a purchase when it's released generally. For those of you reading this who are new to the system here's a quick look at some of the new stat cards for the units covered in this expansion. These stat cards come with the factions when they're purchased and aren't included in the expansion...I'm just showing them here so you have a reference for some of the information in the article...

So there you go then...hope this gives you a bit of insight into this (in my opinion at least) essential expansion.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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