A band of heroes, an epic quest...
Over the last few weeks we have sent you on a quest to collect eight Dwarfen Runes. This quest has now been completed and has revealed that Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King's Quest is launching on Kickstarter at 1:30 BST on Monday 4th August!
The runes also unlocked a secret passkey:
Enter this Dwarfen password to discover more about Dungeon Saga and the secrets within... (and watch out, mystic magic surrounding the passkey means that it is case sensitive.) Join us adventurer at 1:30 BST Monday 4th Augustfor the launch of the new dungeon adventure board game on Kickstarter! Venerable civilisations join the fight The Deadzone Kickstarter Second Wave starts shipping next week and heralds the introduction of two new factions: the Asterians and the Forge Fathers! From the end of August, you will also be able to get them from our website. In celebration, today we’ve added brand new great-value-for-money pre-order army deals. There’s one for each race and a bumper army deal allowing you to get all of the models for both factions in one go! Also included is a FREE copy of the Deadzone: Incursion supplement and a named character not due for general release until later this year! They are highly limited in number, so grab 'them whilst you can! |
Mantic at Gen Con
Gen Con is less than 3 short weeks away and Mantic will be there in force at stand 1343.
Coming and see Mars Attacks
in person. We'll be showing you how to playMars Attacks and have previews ofDungeon Saga: The Dwarf King's Quest (incidently, right in the middle of the Kickstarter!), so make sure you come and see us!
The Conflict
Goes Digital
Released from Mantic Digital on Monday are the enhanced digital editions of Deadzone, spearheaded by the Deadzone Digital Collection.
All the books have been digitally re-engineered to create the richest digital experience and will be update automatically in the future making this the definitive Deadzone ruleset available for reading on any device. Mantic Digital have also updated the reader itself with new features.Check out this blog post here more. 27th July: Clash of Kings, Total Wargamer, Evesham 2nd August: Claymore, Edinburgh 14th August: Gencon, Indianapolis 29th-30th August: Games & Gearcon 2014, London |
Location of the most recent breach into Malifaux, Latest area to be occupied by the forces of Cryx, Stronghold of the Dark Legion, Homeworld of the 'Night Reapers' Space Marine Chapter, Council of Seven allocated Deadzone and the lair of some opinionated git called GMort who they let hang out with them...when he's not distracted by Steampunk, Gothic culture or Cosplay...
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Mantic Games Newsletter - Dark Forces are Stirring...
Another Kickstarter from Mantic Games...something a bit different this time though...
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