Tuesday, 12 August 2014

The Bane Project...Resurrected...

Not that sort of Bane...

Editors Note - Though I know most of you come here for the unboxings, actual articles and Wednesday Gallery this is still my hobby blog at heart so you'll still sometimes have to suffer 'stuff I'm getting on with posts', lol.

Some of the long term blog readers may remember the tragic fate of my fledgling Warmachine force that in protest at my inattention hurled itself towards the shelf below it.....

...and I abandoned it to that fate since the incident occurred in late February. However this week I decided to not only repair it but to assemble the pile of other Cryx models that I'd acquired so at least the whole force was at a 'under-coated and base-coated' stage. The repairs needed to occur first though...

This took quite some time as on closer inspection only a handful of the nearly fifty models on the shelf had actually survived the fall without any damage with most losing at least two parts and in some cases being completely reduced to their component parts. Previous to the fall and my obsession with Banes I'd toyed with the idea of using a Witch Coven list and had acquired some Soulhunters which after their relegation to the sidelines had resulted in them being carelessly thrown into a box...and being notoriously prone to arm loss even when taken care of had fallen to pieces as had their pal Darragh Wrathe. As I was in a repairing frame of mind they got some attention as well...

With both Cavalry and Banes seeming to be the overriding theme I then made the decision to tackle the assembly of Goreshade, Lord of Ruin and some Bane Riders I had bought not long after their release. The unboxing articles for which can be found here and here.

But in summary they went from this and this...

To this and this...

Also as a UK resident I have to take advantage of every opportunity to undercoat models in the few brief periods that the weather isn't in 'rain' mode so I quickly gave these an undercoat of GW Chaos Black followed by a lighter base coat of Army Painters Plate Mail...

The list I most commonly use (or used to use to be exact as I haven't played for a few months) utilised Scrap Thralls as a sort of meat shield in order to force my opponent to either ignore them in favour of Banes and get blown up or targeted instead of Banes in which case more Banes survived to engage the enemy. However despite having the models (they were still in the original packaging) I'd been using proxies and so I figured I'd make the most of 'being in the mood' and would get the actual models assembled and based. A baseless Defiler that was stored in the same approximate corner of my hobby room got a skull base that was lying around and added to the mix as well...

That lot together with a Withershadow Combine and a couple of Pistol Wraiths also got both under and base coated...

Some time ago when a local distributor was getting rid of some older stock I was offered seven boxes of the 'classic' (by which they mean 'old') Bane Thralls at a considerable discount with the intention of using them to fill out my Bane Thrall units to three lots of ten rather than the two but never got around to it. I've subsequently ordered a box of the new plastic Thralls in one of those depressingly common hobbyist 'forgot I had those' moments so these older ones are instead going to be used to represent newly summoned Banes in order to differentiate the new ones that don't get to activate that turn. They'll probably get a fairly simple 'ghostly' paint scheme to represent that.

Unfortunately at this point the British weather decided that it really didn't want me to undercoat any-more and my metal fragment filled, skin filed away, glue covered and sliced fingers decided that they could do with a break from assembly as well. I still have a DeathJack to finish, three old metal Defilers/Deathrippers to find a way of making less tiny looking and a Goreshade the Bastard and Deathwalker (the 'Rolling Bones' version), a Lich Lord Terminus and a Sturgis the Corrupted to build as well as a slightly odd Slayer I acquired that's made from several bits I don't even recognise ('Hybrid' barely describes it) to decide what to do with. However I think that's enough for now...and it's still raining...

I swear this was a field a moment ago...

I'll get the last few things assembled and base coated tomorrow but I have some other bits and pieces to get done before I can give this project some actual paint.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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