Sunday, 12 October 2014

Sunday Round-Up

Not a particular busy week for news...well not unless you're a 40K fan in which case there's probably a lot to make you happy coming out of the Warhammer Fest Forge World Q and A Panels...

But I leave the covering of such things to the blogs who specialise in those areas.

I have of course been playing Malifaux...amongst other things,,,

The Malifaux 'Unboxing' page now contains entries for the M2E versions of Waldgeist, Hannah, The Hanged, Malifaux Child and Warpig. They're in here should you be interested. Over the next week or so there will be similar features on The Essence of Power, Grave Spirit, Hoarcat Pride, Primordial Magic, Slop Haulers and the GenCon 'Miss' model...Miss Ery...though not necessarily in that order as I already promised to do 'Primordial Magic' first. I'm afraid that both Zoraida, the Swamp Hag starter set and the Canine Remains unboxings are on hold until Wyrd despatch me the missing pieces from their respective boxes...

Due to several requests I've decided to create a resource page containing a list of the currently available Malifaux version 2 kits and their Soulstone values for comparison purposes that can be found here...though bear in mind that it's a work in progress and may yet require a bit of tweaking...

Things that need sorting...
The Newsletter tab is hideously out of date and I'll be resolving that by this post next Sunday. I'm stopping promising article series as to be honest it's a promise I'll break more often than not as time is not normally on my side...I will however try to allocate some time to them before the end of the month...maybe, lol.

...the next few weeks...
As it looks like I'll have the latest lot of Malifaux releases done and posted by the end of next week I may spend some time looking at the Deadzone Wave 2 releases and some of the Warzone Resurrection particular a certain Dark Legion model that I'd been waiting for...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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