Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Malifaux - The New Releases

Lets look at what's going to be soon available then...

Editors Note 1 - I know I already posted the newsletter but sometimes it's nice to have the pictures all in one place without having to click on links.

Editors Note 2 - Added some more emerging pictures of the Translucent models...they're at the bottom...

Wyrd Games have a tendency to pre-release new crews at events and the Black Friday sale is no exception. Amongst all the bits and pieces are two new crews, several of the GenCon ones are also making a temporary re appearance as well as some Minion boxes and a selection of Alternate and 'Miss' releases have also been made available (albeit briefly) together with a quantity of those odd coloured plastic crew versions that Wyrd seem inexplicably fond of...they are kinda cool I suppose...



Through the Breach RPG Multi-Part Kits.

Lots of Boxes.
Not all of these are new..most...but not all...

The 'Carver' is also in there but I don't have an 'official' picture of that...just this on courtesy of the Wyrd Forums...

..and 'Merris LaCroix' for which I cannot yet find a render...

There's the aforementioned interestingly coloured versions of existing crews of which here is a small sample. I'll add others as they emerge but I think you get the general idea...one of them is pink...very pink indeed in fact...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Wow these are some awesome kits! Savage and logistics looks like a buy for me!
